A Clojure library designed to generate secure random float,int,bytes and strings based on java.security.SecureRandom.
[secure-rand "0.1"]
(ns test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [rand rand-int rand-nth])
(:use [secure-rand.core :only [rand rand-int rand-nth]]))
(rand 10)
(rand-int 100)
(rand-nth (range 10))
(secure-rand.core/bytes size)
Returns a secure random byte array of the specified size.
(secure-rand.core/base64 size)
Return a secure random base64 string of the specified size in bytes.
(secure-rand.core/base32 size)
Return a secure random base32 string of the specified size in bytes.
(secure-rand.core/hex size)
Return a secure random hex string of the specified size in bytes.
Copyright © 2014 Dennis Zhuang [[email protected]]
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0