Alsa client which scales up midi note velocity events
This program creates a new alsa midi client called "VScale" which scales midi note velocities to the full midi spectrum from zero to 127. Many midi controllers max out at 110 or so, unless you use a bullet or sledge hammer on the keys. If your midi controler seems quiet, or fortisimo strikes sound dark, use this program to upscale key velocities.
vscale <value>
where value is the typical maximum output your controler provides from 0 to 127.
vscale 110
aconnect -x ; aconnect 24 129; aconnect 129 20
This will multiply your input velocity by 1.154545, connect alsa input (24) to vscale (129), then connect vscale (129) to alsa output (20). Use "aconnect -i" to see which midi devices map to what numbers.
Copyright: Craig Lamparter 2016
See LICENSE file for more information. Code and inspiration used in part from organ_filter, Hans Fugal 2004