Supplementary Repository for Hardware Implementation of Deep Network Accelerators Towards Healthcare and Biomedical Applications, which has been submitted to IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS).
- Baseline.ipynb reproduces the baseline implementations from using PyTorch instead of Keras/TensorFlow.
- Novel Simulations.ipynb reproduces results presented in Section III, where MemTorch is used to similate Memristive Deep Neural Networks (MDNNs).
- Files in FPGA can be used to reproduce results presented in Section III, where PipeCNN is used to deploy trained networks on FPGA. The compilation flow used is as follows:
- Trained parameters of each network, state_dict, are exported to serialized pt objects on disk using PyTorch.
- Serialized pt objects are converted to equivalent protxt and caffemodel files using PytorchToCaffe.
- Fixed-Point caffe models are generated using MATLAB's Fixed-point toolbox, and stored as single binary dat files, as described here.
- The dat files are deployed using PipeCNN, as described here.