This is a Coraline Database Manager Package on PyPI. Now, only SQL DB is supported
pip install -U coralinedb
- Initial database object by specify host, username and password
from coralinedb import MySQLDB
db = MySQLDB(host, username, password)
- Load a table or tables using
new_table = db.load_table("database_name", "table_name")
table1, table2 = db.load_table("database_name", ["table_name1", "table_name2"])
- Save dataframe to a table using
db.save_table(df, "database_name", "table_name")
- Get number of rows for a table
n_rows = db.get_count("database_name", "table_name")
- Run other SQL statement on host (with or without database name)
db.query("show databases;")
db.query("SELECT * FROM ...", "database_name")
- Run store procedure on host (with or without database name)
affected_row = db.call_procedure("CALL store_procedure")
dataframe = db.call_procedure("CALL store_procedure", return_df=True)
After Django version 2.1.7, Django uses mysqlclient library to connect with MySQL Database. Therefore, Coralinedb uses pymsql library and this library is comptaible with Django only version 2.1.7 or lower.