Hierarchical Memory Graph Database 🕶️
The Fluxion Service is the flux-sched "fluxion" project packaged and provided as a containerized graph database. You can interact with it using any language that can interact with the gRPC endpoints. Example and client libraries are provided here.
If you have flux-sched locally you can build on your local machine, however it's recommended to use a VS Code developer environment with the included .devcontainer directory.
To build the container:
make build
If you are developing from inside the container:
make proto
go mod tidy
go mod vendor
And then build:
make server
This is the fluxion graph server
[GRPCServer] gRPC Listening on [::]:4242
In another terminal you can try one of the client examples in examples. For example:
go run examples/go/example.go --jobspec ./examples/go/jobspec.yaml
$ go run examples/go/example.go --jobspec ./examples/go/jobspec.yaml
🦩️ This is the fluxion graph client
2024/05/03 13:27:13 🦩️ starting client (localhost:4242)...
2024/05/03 13:27:13 ⭐️ Init cluster status: INIT_SUCCESS
2024/05/03 13:27:13 ⭐️ Match status: MATCH_SUCCESS
2024/05/03 13:27:13 Allocation: {"graph": {"nodes": [{"id": "8", "metadata": {"type": "core", "basename": "core", "name": "core0", "id": 0, "uniq_id": 8, "rank": -1, "exclusive": true, "unit": "", "size": 1, "paths": {"containment": "/tiny0/rack0/node0/socket0/core0"}}}, {"id": "4", "metadata": {"type": "socket", "basename": "socket", "name": "socket0", "id": 0, "uniq_id": 4, "rank": -1, "exclusive": true, "unit": "", "size": 1, "paths": {"containment": "/tiny0/rack0/node0/socket0"}}}, {"id": "2", "metadata": {"type": "node", "basename": "node", "name": "node0", "id": 0, "uniq_id": 2, "rank": -1, "exclusive": false, "unit": "", "size": 1, "paths": {"containment": "/tiny0/rack0/node0"}}}, {"id": "1", "metadata": {"type": "rack", "basename": "rack", "name": "rack0", "id": 0, "uniq_id": 1, "rank": -1, "exclusive": false, "unit": "", "size": 1, "paths": {"containment": "/tiny0/rack0"}}}, {"id": "0", "metadata": {"type": "cluster", "basename": "tiny", "name": "tiny0", "id": 0, "uniq_id": 0, "rank": -1, "exclusive": false, "unit": "", "size": 1, "paths": {"containment": "/tiny0"}}}], "edges": [{"source": "4", "target": "8", "metadata": {"name": {"containment": "contains"}}}, {"source": "2", "target": "4", "metadata": {"name": {"containment": "contains"}}}, {"source": "1", "target": "2", "metadata": {"name": {"containment": "contains"}}}, {"source": "0", "target": "1", "metadata": {"name": {"containment": "contains"}}}]}}
2024/05/03 13:27:13 Overhead: 0.000818
2024/05/03 13:27:13 Reserved: false
2024/05/03 13:27:13 Jobid: 1
2024/05/03 13:27:13 At: 0
😴️ Sleeping for 3 seconds before cancel...
2024/05/03 13:27:18 ⭐️ Cancel status: CANCEL_SUCCESS
In the server terminal you will see:
GOOS=linux CGO_CFLAGS="-I/opt/flux-sched -I/opt/flux-sched/resource/reapi/bindings/c" CGO_LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib -L/usr/lib/flux -L/opt/flux-sched/resource/reapi/bindings -lreapi_cli -lflux-idset -lstdc++ -lczmq -ljansson -lhwloc -lboost_system -lflux-hostlist -lboost_graph -lyaml-cpp" go build -ldflags '-w' -o bin/server cmd/main.go
🦩️ This is the fluxion graph server
[GRPCServer] gRPC Listening on [::]:4242
[Fluxion] Created flux memory graph[Fluxion] match policy: {"matcher_policy": "lonode"}[Fluxion] There are no errors
💼️ Allocation Result
Overhead: 0.000602
Reserved: false
Jobid: 1
At: 0
Allocation: {"graph": {"nodes": [{"id": "8", "metadata": {"type": "core", "basename": "core", "name": "core0", "id": 0, "uniq_id": 8, "rank": -1, "exclusive": true, "unit": "", "size": 1, "paths": {"containment": "/tiny0/rack0/node0/socket0/core0"}}}, {"id": "4", "metadata": {"type": "socket", "basename": "socket", "name": "socket0", "id": 0, "uniq_id": 4, "rank": -1, "exclusive": true, "unit": "", "size": 1, "paths": {"containment": "/tiny0/rack0/node0/socket0"}}}, {"id": "2", "metadata": {"type": "node", "basename": "node", "name": "node0", "id": 0, "uniq_id": 2, "rank": -1, "exclusive": false, "unit": "", "size": 1, "paths": {"containment": "/tiny0/rack0/node0"}}}, {"id": "1", "metadata": {"type": "rack", "basename": "rack", "name": "rack0", "id": 0, "uniq_id": 1, "rank": -1, "exclusive": false, "unit": "", "size": 1, "paths": {"containment": "/tiny0/rack0"}}}, {"id": "0", "metadata": {"type": "cluster", "basename": "tiny", "name": "tiny0", "id": 0, "uniq_id": 0, "rank": -1, "exclusive": false, "unit": "", "size": 1, "paths": {"containment": "/tiny0"}}}], "edges": [{"source": "4", "target": "8", "metadata": {"name": {"containment": "contains"}}}, {"source": "2", "target": "4", "metadata": {"name": {"containment": "contains"}}}, {"source": "1", "target": "2", "metadata": {"name": {"containment": "contains"}}}, {"source": "0", "target": "1", "metadata": {"name": {"containment": "contains"}}}]}}
[Fluxion] received cancel request jobID:1
And that's it!
As an alternative, you can run the container service instead.
docker run -p 4242:4242 ghcr.io/converged-computing/fluxion --host
And from a different terminal (make sure you've closed VSCode which sometimes can claim ports).
go run examples/go/example.go --jobspec examples/go/jobspec.yaml
And you will get the same response as above.
Finally, we have the same gRPC endpoints exposed via Python. With the server running:
make server && ./bin/server
Run the Python example:
python ./examples/python/example.py
Note that the protocol buffers are built (or updated) for Python like:
make python
You shouldn't need to run this command unless you change something.
- get grow "unpack" bindings into fluxion-go and add update here
- when flux-sched supports JGF v2, upgrade here.
This code is based off of the work done for fluence by the same authors. The code base has changed significantly with development.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0