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Service discovery method
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sordina committed May 15, 2014
1 parent 9a943b1 commit 19eaf67
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Showing 2 changed files with 63 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions project.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,4 +6,5 @@
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]
[http-kit "2.1.16"]
[org.clojure/data.json "0.2.4"]
; [com.brweber2/clj-dns "0.0.2"] ; Doesn't seem to support custom resolvers easily
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions src/consult/httpkitdnssr.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
(ns consult.httpkitdnssr
A small wrapper around HTTP-Kit ( constructed
to use DNS SR on localhost as provided by Consul (
This should enable http-kit to talk to consul-cluster services by name.
(:require [org.httpkit.client :as http]
[ :refer [sh]]
[ :as json]))

(defn words [text] (clojure.string/split text #"\s"))

(defn fields [item] (clojure.string/split item #"\t"))

(defn clean-header [string] (clojure.string/replace string #";; |:" ""))

(defn parse-lines [[header & items]]
(if (empty? items)
(let [ initial (take-while #(re-find #"^[a-z]" %) items)
final (drop-while #(re-find #"^[a-z]" %) items)
(merge {(clean-header header) (map fields initial)} (parse-lines final)))))

(defn dig [service]
(let [ response (sh "dig" "@" "-p" "8600" (str service ".service.consul") "SRV")
output (:out response)
lines (clojure.string/split output #"\n")
clean (filter #(re-find #"^;; ADDITION|^;; ANSWER|^[a-z]" %) lines)
groups (parse-lines clean)
] groups))

(defn find-name [answer] (last answer))

(defn find-port [answer] (let [field (nth (last answer) 4)
tokens (words field)
item (nth tokens 2)
] item))

(defn find-ip [service-name additional]
;(filter #(= service-name (first %)) additional)
(map last additional) ; TODO

(defn query [service]
(let [service-info (dig service)
answer (service-info "ANSWER SECTION")
service-name (find-name answer)
_ (or service-name (throw (ex-info "Could not find service name" {:service service})))
service-port (find-port answer)
additional (service-info "ADDITIONAL SECTION")
service-ips (find-ip service-name additional)]
_ (or service-ips (throw (ex-info "Could not find service IP" {:service service})))
(map #(str "" % ":" service-port) service-ips)))

(defn service-get-index [service]
(let [ url (str "http://" (first (query service)) "/index.html")
response (http/get url) ]

(service-get-index "foobar")

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