This repository contains the backend service built with Express and Typescript.
Account Service is a Node.js application that provides user account management functionalities, including user registration, authentication, and authorization. This service uses Express.js for the server, Mongoose for database interaction, and MSAL for handling Microsoft authentication.
Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:congmul/household-accounts-user-service.git cd account-service
Install dependencies:
npm install
Set up environment variables:
Create a .env file in the root directory and add the values (Please check env.example file)
Start the application:
pnpm run dev
- User Initiates Login
- The user navigates to the endpoint.
- The server constructs the authorization URL and redirects the user to the Microsoft login page / Google login page.
- User Logs In:
- The user logs in using their Microsoft/Google account.
- After successful authentication, Microsoft/Google redirects to the application’s /redirect endpoint with an authorization code.
- Server Exchanges Auth Code for Tokens:
- The server receives the authorization code and exchange it for an access token, ID token, and refresh token.
- The server can then decode the ID token to get user information and store the tokens securely.
├── src/
│ ├── auth/
│ │ ├── GoogleAuthProvider.ts
│ │ └── MSAuthProvider.ts
│ ├── config/
│ │ ├── db.ts
│ │ └── config.ts
│ ├── models/
│ │ └── userModel.ts
│ ├── routes/
│ │ ├── auth.ts
│ │ ├── index.ts
│ │ ├── user.ts
│ │ └── swagger.ts
│ ├── services/
│ │ ├── index.ts
│ │ └── userService.ts
│ ├── types/
│ │ ├── index.ts
│ │ └── userTypes.ts
│ ├── api-spec.json
│ └── app.ts
├── Dockerfile
├── package.json
└── .env