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GitHub action to relock conda environments using conda-lock


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GitHub action to relock conda environments using conda-lock

This action runs conda-lock to relock a conda environment. Some features include

  • responding to comments on PRs to relock the environment (comment with /relock-conda to trigger)
  • running on a schedule to relock the environment
  • customization of which package version updates trigger a relock


GitHub Actions Configuration

Add a GitHub Actions workflow file like this one:

name: relock conda

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: test
      - name: checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332
          # A GitHub personal access token is required
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_PAT }}

      - name: run
        uses: conda-incubator/relock-conda@main
          # A GitHub personal access token is required
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_PAT }}

          # files to relock w/ conda-lock
          environment-file: environment.yml  # default
          lock-file: conda-lock.yml  # default

          # optional list of packages whose changes are ignore when relocking
          ignored-packages: ""  # default
          # ignored-packages: "numpy,scipy"

          # use only these packages to determine if a relock is needed
          include-only-packages: ""  # default
          # include-only-packages: "numpy,scipy"

          # whether to relock on an update to any package in the environment,
          # not just those in the environment file
          relock-all-packages: false  # default

          # action to take if we relock
          # one of 'pr' (make a PR) or 'file' (leave new lock file in CWD)
          # or 'commit' (commit new lock file to the repo)
          # if triggered by a comment, this input is ignored and the action
          # will always commit the new lock file
          action: 'pr'  # default

          # these options apply only if we are making PRs
          # automerge the PR - you need to have GitHub automerge enabled
          automerge: false  # default

          # use this setting to fix issues with the base branch not
          # being inferred correctly
          # See
          base-branch: ""  # default
          # base-branch: blah

          # the head branch for PRs
          head-branch: relock-conda  # default

          # whether to skip relocking if a PR already exists
          skip-if-pr-exists: false  # default

          # whether to open the PR as a draft
          draft: false  # default

          # git commit info
          git-user-name: # default of '' infers from the API or defaults to if API fails
          git-user-email: # default of '' uses ${git-user-name}

See the action.yml for details on possible inputs and options.

/relock-conda Slash Command

To trigger relocking of the env on an open PR, put /relock-conda in a comment on the PR. If you want to forcibly relock every package, add the --force option to the command via /relock-conda --force.