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Releases: colleunmax/desmet-bot


24 Sep 13:02
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1.0 Refactor



-> /create-annonce to create an embed the bot will send
-> /create-role-form to create the groups choice form
-> /create-ticket-form to create a ticket creation form
-> /set-channel to set different types of channel in the DB (eg: ticket, anniversary)


-> /anniversary to set your birth date
-> /binary-operation to do simple binary operations
-> /convert-base to convert one of these bases to another (bin, octal, decimal, hexa)
-> /info to get information about the bot
-> ip-info to get information about one Ipv4
-> /ping to get the latency with the bot
-> /ticket to open a ticket
-> /whoami to get info about someone

Breaking Changes

-> Switching from deno to nodejs and pnpm
-> Removing scripts/
-> Moving the setup script to commands/commandsSetup.mjs
-> Switching the auto handler system to a manual one
-> Removing /russian-roulette
-> Removing broken schedule features
-> Switching files from ".js" to ".mjs" (deno->nodejs)


-> Adding a modal class
-> Adding a button class
-> Adding a command class

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v1.0.0

Simple features v0.2.0

29 Feb 15:09
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Bot Features

  • /binary-operation: a command to compute simple binary operations (+ - x /) on two binary numbers.
  • /convert-base: a command to convert from a chosen mathematical base to another (binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal).
  • /info: a command to get bot information.
  • /ip-info: a command to get information about an IP address (e.g.,
  • /russian-roulette: a Russian roulette which kicks the user when they lose and invites them back into the server simultaneously.

Codebase Features

  • sleep(): an asynchronous function in the lib folder. This function waits for a certain amount of time when awaited.
  • randomInt(n): a function in the lib folder used to generate a random integer between 0 and n.
  • isValidIpv4(addr) and isValidIpv6(addr): two functions under lib/isValidIp.js used to check if a string is a valid IP address.
  • isAddrPrivate(addr): a function under lib that tells if an IPv4 address is in a private range or not.
  • computeAddrClass(addr): a function in lib that returns the class of the IPv4 address (A, B, C, D, E).
  • isBinary(str), isOctal(str), isDecimal(str), and isHexadecimal(str): these functions determine if the given string can be converted to an integer under a certain base.


27 Feb 20:57
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Bug fixes

  • don't show canceled courses in schedule button's response.


  • removing todo from source code.

first release. v0.1.0

15 Feb 21:28
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  • Ping command: Responds with the latency.
  • Schedule command: You choose your group and receive an embedded message with buttons to select the desired day.
  • Schedule button: Buttons associated with the command.
  • Handlers for events/buttons/commands.
  • Class to assist in the treatment of HEH's ICS (Calendar).
  • Scripts to register commands (for development/production environments).
  • Service for adding/removing server instances.