On online registration system for volunteers and parents of campers of Girl Scouts Maple Valley Day Camp that will replace paper registration and facilitate camp planning by allowing registration details to be easily shared to camp planning committee.
Several npm packages need to be installed: bcrypt, connect-session-sequelize, dotenv, express, express-handlebars, express-session, mysql2, nodemailer, sequelize
Visit the url site, https://protected-lowlands-08660.herokuapp.com/.
- First time users will need to register with an email account and password.
- After logging in, at the landing profile page, users will see a recap of registrations they have already completed, if any. These recaps contain a button to view the complete registration submission of the noted camper or volunteer.
- Clicking on the register button on the profile page will present the user with one of four registration categories to select from.
Adult Volunteer
PA or LIT Volunteer (grades 7 - 12)
Campers (grades K - 6)
Boys or Cherubs (a unit for children of adult volunteers while the volunteers work at camp)
These buttons drive the registration sections and specific questions that need to be completed for the different categories of camp attendees.
- Personal data questions are presented on the first registration page. The user completes and clicks Next to proceed.
- Health History data questions are presented on the second page. The user completes and clicks Submit to complete registration.
- A registration acknowledgement email is sent to the email provided.
- Upon login, Managers of camp are routed to a manager profile page.
- Currently managers can view a registration recap per camper category/level.
- Inside the category/level recap, the manager user can view the complete registration submission of the noted camper or volunteer by clicking the camper name.
npm express and express-handlebars: web server and pages npm sequelize, connect-session-sequelize, mysql2: database npm express-session, bcrypt and dotenv: user sessions and authentication npm nodemailer: sending emails, sequelize css styling: bulma
For questions or comments, please contact one of the following: Abdul: [email protected] Diana: [email protected] Louis: [email protected] Valerio: [email protected]