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A minimal viable programming language on top of liblgpp


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This project aims to implement a minimal viable programming language on top of liblgpp.


The project requires a C++17 compiler, CMake and liblgpp to build.

$ git clone
$ cd alang
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./alang
Alang v0.3

Press Return on empty line to eval.
Empty eval clears stack and Ctrl+D exits.

: let fib sub(
  if (cp .< 2) _ (
    + (.- 1 cp recall)
      (sw .- 1 recall)
: fib(20)


The language works more or less like a Forth, with a few minor syntactic additions.

Prefixing an identifier with a . allows it to be used infix, ie. the target will take it's first argument from the stack.

Suffixing an identifier with an argument list allows specifying arguments explicitly inline, passing _ as parameter splices a value from the stack.

The point is not that Forth is better than any other language, it's just the lowest common denominator I've found; on top of this you can build pretty much any kind of language and still reuse most of the foundation.

: + 1 2

: 1 .+ 2

[3 3]
: 5 -(_ 2)

[3 3 3]


The stack may be manipulated directly.

: 1 2 3

[1 2 3]
: sw

[1 3 2]
: cp

[1 3 2 2]
: rot

[1 2 2 3]
: d

[1 2 2]

Additional stacks may be created by enclosing any expresssion in brackets.

: [1 2 .+ 3]

[[1 5]]


=, < and > may be used to compare values.

: 42 .= 42


: 1 .> 2

[T F]

or returns its first truthy argument, or the last argument if none.

: F .or 0 .or 42

and returns its first falsey argument, or the last argument if none.

: T .and 0 .and 42

if may be used to branch on any value.

: if 0 _ F
: if 42 T _

[F T]
: if [] _ F
[F T F]
: if [42] T _
[F T F T]


Types are first class.

type may be used to get the type of any value.

: 42 .type

: .type


: .type


isa returns T if the first argument is derived from the second, F otherwise.

: Int .isa Stack

: Int .isa Num

[F T]


Bindings may be created using let.

: let foo 42

: foo


Bindings are evaluated at compile time.

: 42 let foo _

Error: Stack is empty

@ may be used to evaluate any expression at compile time.

: @42 let foo _

: foo



Subroutines are first class, may be defined using sub and called by suffixing their names with an argument list.

: let foo sub(42)


: foo

[(Sub 0x7fa911d04530)]

: d foo()


say may be used to print any value to standard output.

: say(42)


A minimal viable programming language on top of liblgpp







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