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This is a .NET Core app with an Aurelia backed client side. These two apps run on different ports, the API needs to be started first.



  • Ensure you have installed the .NET Core 3.1 SDK
  • In your terminal, navigate to the project root and run the following commands:
    • dotnet restore ./Hahn.ApplicatonProcess.May2020.Data/Hahn.ApplicatonProcess.May2020.Data.csproj.
    • dotnet restore ./Hahn.ApplicatonProcess.May2020.Domain/Hahn.ApplicatonProcess.May2020.Domain.csproj.
    • dotnet restore ./Hahn.ApplicatonProcess.May2020.Web/Hahn.ApplicatonProcess.May2020.Web.csproj.
    • Visual Studio automatically does this for you.
    • Visual Studio Code requires you manually do this.
    • cd Hahn.ApplicatonProcess.May2020.Web
    • dotnet run
  • When the API is started you can navigate to https://localhost:6131/swagger to view the API documentation.


As mentioned previously, the client app is built on Aurelia, so Aurelia needs to be installed.

  • In your terminal, run the command: npm i -g aurelia-cli or yarn global add aurelia-cli, this installs the Aurelia CLI thereby making the au command available system wide.
  • Now in your terminal, navigate to the project's root directory, then into the Hahn.ApplicatonProcess.May2020.Web directory and finally into the ClientApp directory. This is where the client facing app sits.
  • While in that directory, run npm install to install app's dependencies then run au run --open
  • The app is then available at http://localhost:8080.


On the terminal, in the project the dependencies needs to be installed if not previously done.

  • Run dotnet restore ./Hahn.ApplicatonProcess.Application.Tests/Hahn.ApplicatonProcess.Application.Tests.csproj to restore the test project's dependencies.
  • cd Hahn.ApplicatonProcess.Application.Tests
  • dotnet run