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Hobbyist bare metal kubernetes cluster setup using ansible. Used for serving some of our applications.


Directory keys should contain a ssh key for accessing your nodes through ssh.

You'll also need a keys/known_hosts file populated by ssh-keyscan -t ed25519 <inventory-hostname-1> [... inventory-hostname-2 ... inventory-host-name-n] | tee keys/known_hosts

You also should have the vault-id password for encrypted values in the root directory of this repository.

For nodes, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is used

Check out for a detailed description and a preseed file.

Also check out for some hints regarding DNS.

Finally, we're using Flux v2 to install (almost) all components and applications. Check for a detailed description of our setup.

With local python & ansible installion

Install dependencies

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yaml

Only do this the very first time (for a new host add --limit "NAME-OF-NEW-HOST-FROM-INVENTORY")

ansible-playbook --tags initial-setup --ask-become-pass clustersetup.yaml

It is recommended to shut down (sudo shutdown -h now via ssh) your server to activate the qemu-guest-agent integration in Proxmox.

After starting your server again, do a full upgrade (sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y).

Run playbooks

ansible-playbook clustersetup.yaml

Then, bootstrap your nodes

Attention: It is strongly advised to reboot your VMs before bootstrapping. Otherwise cgroup driver of docker and kubelet won't match. At least restart the docker service.

Attention #2: The bootstrap-nodes should be used only once for your cluster or after manually running kubeadm reset --force && rm -rf /etc/cni/net.d on all of the nodes.

ansible-playbook --tags bootstrap-nodes clustersetup.yaml
