micro grpc framework like flask
pip install homi
- config less to run server
- use decorator pattern to connect service method
- auto parse request data to dict, you don't use grpc request object
- auto set argument what you want
- support all grpc service type(unary-unary,unary-stream,stream-unary,stream-stream)
- TLS support
- you just return dict type, not grpc object
- support async grpc server
- test your server very easy(HomiRealServerTestCase(support sync & async server), HomiTestCase(only sync server))
check more example
from homi import App, Server
from homi.extend.service import reflection_service, health_service
from helloworld_pb2 import DESCRIPTOR
svc_desc = DESCRIPTOR.services_by_name['Greeter']
app = App(
# unary-unary method
def SayHello(name, **kwargs):
print(f"{name} is request SayHello")
return {"message": f"Hello {name}!"}
# or
def hello(request,context):
print(f"{request.name} is request SayHello")
return {"message": f"Hello {request.name}!"}
# or
def hello_func(request,context):
return {"message":"hi"}
if __name__ == '__main__':
server = Server(app)
The service class is similar to the blueprint of flask. You can separate files on a service basis or add services created by others. Also, we will be able to override the method already registered in the future.
from homi import App, Server,Service
from homi.extend.service import reflection_service, health_service
from helloworld_pb2 import DESCRIPTOR
app = App(services=[reflection_service,health_service,])
greeter = Service(DESCRIPTOR.services_by_name['Greeter'])
def SayHello(name, **kwargs):
print(f"{name} is request SayHello")
return {"message": f"Hello {name}!"}
# you can share service to pypi
# if app file name is app.py
homi run
# run ohter app file
homi run other_app.py
# change port
homi run -p 50055
# change total worker
homi run -w 5
# run TLS server
homi run --private_key server.key --certificate server.crt
- grpc_requests : GRPC for Humans! python grpc reflection support client
- HotFix for TypedDict compatibility issue
- Feature - 3.6, 3.7 compatibility support
- Feature
- #37 : support AsyncIO API Server! example
- Feature
- Fix Bugs
- remove HomiRealServerTestCase, HomiTestCase from init.py, please import test class direct
- add cryptography dependency
- Fix Bugs
- Feature
- #30 : support atls server [Experimental]
- Feature
- Feature
- #29 : support tls server
- Feature
- Fix Bugs
- #23 : change support python version >= 3.8 (for TypedDict)
- #22 : remove handler wrapper self arguments
- Fix Bugs
- Breaking Change!!! #19
- Add App
- now you must make server using App class!
- Add Service
- You can separate the code by service or method.
- Add Config
- now you can use service config and overwrite in app
- Add App
- Breaking Change!!! #19
- add real server testcase
- support grpc-health
- support all method type
- add flak8 lint
- add test case
- #9 auto parse response message
0.0.1 (init project)
- run server using cli
- helloworld example