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Attempt to solve error for some MinGW configurations inside CLion and improved build performance for some configurations #687

Attempt to solve error for some MinGW configurations inside CLion and improved build performance for some configurations

Attempt to solve error for some MinGW configurations inside CLion and improved build performance for some configurations #687

Workflow file for this run

# This file generates .deb (Unix) and .nupkg (Windows) packages (and zip for having Codac and IBEX binaries for several Visual Studio versions)
branches: '**'
tags: '' # Restrict to blank tags
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: (github.event_name!='pull_request')&&((github.ref_name=='codac1')||(github.ref_name=='codac2')||(github.ref_name=='codac2_codac4matlab'))
- uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v2
id: create_release
draft: true
tag_name: autotagname-${{ github.sha }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.cfg.os }}
if: (github.ref_name!='codac2_codac4matlab')&&(github.event.pull_request.base.ref!='codac2_codac4matlab')
shell: ${{ }}
fail-fast: false
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x64, bitness: 64, runtime: vc17, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v143 -A x64', cmake_flags: ' /MP4 /wd4267 /wd4244 /wd4305 /wd4996', test_config: 'Release/', desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2022 x64' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x86, bitness: 32, runtime: vc17, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v143 -A Win32', cmake_flags: ' /MP4 /wd4267 /wd4244 /wd4305 /wd4996', test_config: 'Release/', choco_flags: '--x86', desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2022 x86' }
# Problems related to C++20?
#- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x64, bitness: 64, runtime: vc16, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v142 -A x64', cmake_flags: ' /MP4 /wd4267 /wd4244 /wd4305 /wd4996', test_config: 'Release/', desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2019 x64' }
#- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x86, bitness: 32, runtime: vc16, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v142 -A Win32', cmake_flags: ' /MP4 /wd4267 /wd4244 /wd4305 /wd4996', test_config: 'Release/', choco_flags: '--x86', desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2019 x86' }
#- { os: windows-2019, shell: cmd, arch: x64, bitness: 64, runtime: vc15, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 16" -T v141 -A x64', cmake_flags: ' /MP4 /wd4267 /wd4244 /wd4305 /wd4996', test_config: 'Release/', desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2017 x64' }
#- { os: windows-2019, shell: cmd, arch: x86, bitness: 32, runtime: vc15, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 16" -T v141 -A Win32', cmake_flags: ' /MP4 /wd4267 /wd4244 /wd4305 /wd4996', test_config: 'Release/', choco_flags: '--x86', desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2017 x86' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x64, bitness: 64, runtime: mingw13, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', desc: 'Windows MinGW 13.2.0 x64' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x86, bitness: 32, runtime: mingw13, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', choco_flags: '--x86', desc: 'Windows MinGW 13.2.0 x86' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x64, bitness: 64, runtime: mingw12, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', desc: 'Windows MinGW 12.2.0 x64' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x86, bitness: 32, runtime: mingw12, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', choco_flags: '--x86', desc: 'Windows MinGW 12.2.0 x86' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x64, bitness: 64, runtime: mingw11, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', desc: 'Windows MinGW 11.2.0 x64' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x86, bitness: 32, runtime: mingw11, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', choco_flags: '--x86', desc: 'Windows MinGW 11.2.0 x86' }
# Problems related to C++20?
#- { os: windows-2019, shell: cmd, arch: x64, bitness: 64, runtime: mingw8, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', desc: 'Windows MinGW 8.1.0 x64' }
#- { os: windows-2019, shell: cmd, arch: x86, bitness: 32, runtime: mingw8, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', choco_flags: '--x86', desc: 'Windows MinGW 8.1.0 x86' }
#- { os: windows-2019, shell: cmd, arch: x64, bitness: 64, runtime: mingw7, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', desc: 'Windows MinGW 7.3.0 x64' }
#- { os: windows-2019, shell: cmd, arch: x86, bitness: 32, runtime: mingw7, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', choco_flags: '--x86', desc: 'Windows MinGW 7.3.0 x86' }
- { os: ubuntu-24.04, shell: bash, arch: amd64, bitness: 64, runtime: noble, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', deb: true, desc: 'Ubuntu 24.04 amd64' }
- { os: ubuntu-22.04, shell: bash, arch: amd64, bitness: 64, runtime: jammy, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', deb: true, desc: 'Ubuntu 22.04 amd64' }
# Problems related to C++20?
#- { os: ubuntu-20.04, shell: bash, arch: amd64, bitness: 64, runtime: focal, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', deb: true, desc: 'Ubuntu 20.04 amd64' }
- { os: macos-15, shell: bash, arch: arm64, bitness: 64, runtime: sequoia, cmake_params: '-D CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Darwin -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=arm64', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', desc: 'macOS Sequoia arm64' }
- { os: macos-15, shell: bash, arch: x86_64, bitness: 64, runtime: sequoia, cmake_params: '-D CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Darwin -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=x86_64', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', cross: true, desc: 'macOS Sequoia x86_64 (cross)' }
- { os: macos-14, shell: bash, arch: arm64, bitness: 64, runtime: sonoma, cmake_params: '-D CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Darwin -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=arm64', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', desc: 'macOS Sonoma arm64' }
- { os: macos-14, shell: bash, arch: x86_64, bitness: 64, runtime: sonoma, cmake_params: '-D CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Darwin -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=x86_64', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', cross: true, desc: 'macOS Sonoma x86_64 (cross)' }
- { os: macos-13, shell: bash, arch: arm64, bitness: 64, runtime: ventura, cmake_params: '-D CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Darwin -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=arm64', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', cross: true, desc: 'macOS Ventura arm64 (cross)' }
- { os: macos-13, shell: bash, arch: x86_64, bitness: 64, runtime: ventura, cmake_params: '-D CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Darwin -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=x86_64', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', desc: 'macOS Ventura x86_64' }
name: ${{ matrix.cfg.desc }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: true
fetch-depth: 0
clean: false
# From
- run: echo "git_tag=`git describe --tags --abbrev=0`" >> $GITHUB_ENV
shell: bash
# See
- run: |
echo "SOFTWARE_VERSION=${git_tag:1}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
shell: bash
- run: if [ -z "$CHOCO_PACKAGE_REV" ]; then echo "PACKAGE_VERSION=${SOFTWARE_VERSION/.dev*/-dev.$(date +%Y%m%d)}" >> $GITHUB_ENV ; else echo "PACKAGE_VERSION=$SOFTWARE_VERSION.$CHOCO_PACKAGE_REV" >> $GITHUB_ENV ; fi
shell: bash
if: runner.os=='Windows'
shell: bash
if: matrix.cfg.deb==true
- run: |
choco install -y -r --no-progress checksum wget zip
rem Workaround to try solve some random package download failures...
wget --no-check-certificate -nv
wget --no-check-certificate -nv
choco install -y -r --no-progress -s . winflexbison patch ${{ matrix.cfg.choco_flags }}
del /f /q winflexbison. patch.2.5.9.nupkg
wget --no-check-certificate -nv
7z x -o"%SystemDrive%" -y
del /f /q
wget --no-check-certificate -nv
move /y refreshenv.bashrc %USERPROFILE%
if: runner.os=='Windows'
- run: |
choco install -y -r --no-progress mingw --version=7.3.0 --force ${{ matrix.cfg.choco_flags }}
%SystemDrive%\cmake_extra_tools\pathman /as C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\mingw\tools\install\mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}\bin & cd. & rem Non-zero exit code...?
echo export BASHMINGWPATH=/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib/mingw/tools/install/mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}/bin>>%USERPROFILE%\.bashrc
if: (matrix.cfg.runtime=='mingw7')
- run: |
choco install -y -r --no-progress mingw --version=8.1.0 --force ${{ matrix.cfg.choco_flags }}
%SystemDrive%\cmake_extra_tools\pathman /as C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\mingw\tools\install\mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}\bin & cd. & rem Non-zero exit code...?
echo export BASHMINGWPATH=/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib/mingw/tools/install/mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}/bin>>%USERPROFILE%\.bashrc
if: (matrix.cfg.runtime=='mingw8')
- run: |
choco install -y -r --no-progress mingw --version= --force ${{ matrix.cfg.choco_flags }}
%SystemDrive%\cmake_extra_tools\pathman /as C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\mingw\tools\install\mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}\bin & cd. & rem Non-zero exit code...?
echo export BASHMINGWPATH=/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib/mingw/tools/install/mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}/bin>>%USERPROFILE%\.bashrc
if: (matrix.cfg.runtime=='mingw11')
- run: |
choco install -y -r --no-progress mingw --version= --force ${{ matrix.cfg.choco_flags }}
%SystemDrive%\cmake_extra_tools\pathman /as C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\mingw\tools\install\mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}\bin & cd. & rem Non-zero exit code...?
echo export BASHMINGWPATH=/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib/mingw/tools/install/mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}/bin>>%USERPROFILE%\.bashrc
if: (matrix.cfg.runtime=='mingw12')
- run: |
choco install -y -r --no-progress mingw --version=13.2.0 --force ${{ matrix.cfg.choco_flags }}
%SystemDrive%\cmake_extra_tools\pathman /as C:\ProgramData\mingw64\mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}\bin & cd. & rem Non-zero exit code...?
echo export BASHMINGWPATH=/c/ProgramData/mingw64/mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}/bin>>%USERPROFILE%\.bashrc
if: (matrix.cfg.runtime=='mingw13')
- run: |
rem choco install -y -r --no-progress eigen --version= ${{ matrix.cfg.choco_flags }}
wget --no-check-certificate -nv
choco install -y -r --no-progress --ignore-dependencies -s . ibex --version= ${{ matrix.cfg.choco_flags }} --params "'/url:${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip'"
del /f /q ibex.
if: runner.os=='Windows'
- run: |
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [trusted=yes]$(if [ -z "$(. /etc/os-release && echo $UBUNTU_CODENAME)" ]; then echo debian/$(. /etc/os-release && echo $VERSION_CODENAME); else echo ubuntu/$(. /etc/os-release && echo $UBUNTU_CODENAME); fi) ./" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ensta-bretagne.list'
# Replace this line by the next ones to test a specific binary package of IBEX.
#sudo apt-get -q update ; sudo apt-get -y install libibex-dev dpkg-dev || true
sudo apt-get -q update ; sudo apt-get -y install dpkg-dev || true
wget${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}0_$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb --no-check-certificate -nv
sudo dpkg -i libibex-dev-${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}0_$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb
rm -Rf libibex-dev-${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}0_$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb
shell: bash
if: matrix.cfg.deb==true
- run: |
#brew install eigen
wget${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip --no-check-certificate -nv
unzip -q ibex_${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip
rm -Rf ibex_${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip
sudo cp -Rf ibex/* /usr/local/
if: runner.os=='macOS'
# - run: git clone --depth 1 -b master ; cd ibex-lib ; mkdir build ; cd build ; cmake -E env CXXFLAGS="${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_flags }}" CFLAGS="${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_flags }}" cmake ${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_params }} -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="../../ibex" .. ; cmake --build . --config Release --target install ; cd ../..
# shell: bash
- run: |
if [ ${{ runner.os }} = Windows ]; then source ~/refreshenv.bashrc ; refreshenv ; export PATH=$BASHMINGWPATH:$PATH ; fi
mkdir build ; cd build
cmake -E env CXXFLAGS="${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_flags }}" CFLAGS="${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_flags }}" cmake ${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_params }} -D BUILD_TESTS=ON -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="../codac" ..
cmake --build . -j 4 --config Debug --target install
cd ..
sed_param=s/PATH_SUFFIXES\ /PATHS\ \$\{CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE\}\\/..\\/..\\/..\\/..\\/\ PATH_SUFFIXES\ /
if [ ${{ runner.os }} = Windows ]; then sed -i "$sed_param" codac/share/codac/cmake/*.cmake ; fi
zip -q -r codac_${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip codac
shell: bash
- run: |
if [ ${{ runner.os }} = Windows ]; then source ~/refreshenv.bashrc ; refreshenv ; export PATH=$BASHMINGWPATH:$PATH ; fi
mkdir -p codac_standalone/example ; cd codac_standalone
#wget --no-check-certificate -nv ; unzip -q -d eigen ; rm -Rf eigen/*.xml eigen/*.nuspec eigen/_* eigen/package eigen/tools
if [ ${{ runner.os }} = Windows ]; then cp -Rf /C/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib/ibex . ; rm -Rf ibex/tools ibex/ibex.*
elif [ ${{ matrix.cfg.deb }} = true ]; then mkdir -p ibex/include ; mkdir -p ibex/lib ; mkdir -p ibex/share ; mkdir -p ibex/bin ; cp -Rf /usr/include/ibex* ibex/include/ ; cp -Rf /usr/lib/*ibex* ibex/lib/ ; cp -Rf /usr/share/*ibex* ibex/share/ ; cp -Rf /usr/share/pkgconfig ibex/share/ ; cp -Rf /usr/bin/ibex* ibex/bin/
else cp -Rf ../ibex .
cp -Rf ../codac . ; cp -Rf ../tests/test_codac/* ./example/ ; cd .. ; zip -q -r codac_standalone_${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip codac_standalone
shell: bash
- run: |
if [ ${{ runner.os }} = Windows ]; then source ~/refreshenv.bashrc ; refreshenv ; export PATH=$BASHMINGWPATH:$PATH ; fi
cd codac_standalone/example
cmake ${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_params }} .
cmake --build . --config Release
file ./${{ matrix.cfg.test_config }}my_project
./${{ matrix.cfg.test_config }}my_project
cd ../..
shell: bash
if: (matrix.cfg.cross!=true)
- run: |
source ~/refreshenv.bashrc ; refreshenv ; export PATH=$BASHMINGWPATH:$PATH
cd packages/choco
sed -i "$sed_param" codac/codac.nuspec
sed -i "$sed_param" codac/codac.nuspec
sed -i "$sed_param" codac/tools/chocolateyinstall.ps1
sed_param=s/\\$CMakePackageVer\ =\ \"1\"/\\$CMakePackageVer\ =\ \"${SOFTWARE_VERSION}\"/
sed -i "$sed_param" codac/tools/sharedVars.ps1
mv -f codac codac.$PACKAGE_VERSION
choco pack
mv -f codac.$PACKAGE_VERSION.nupkg ../../../
cd ../../..
checksum -f=codac.$PACKAGE_VERSION.nupkg -t=sha256
choco install -y -r --no-progress --ignore-dependencies -s . codac --pre --params "'/url:./codac_${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip'"
if [ ${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }} != mingw11 ] || [ ${{ matrix.cfg.arch }} != x64 ]; then rm -Rf codac.$PACKAGE_VERSION.nupkg ; fi # To avoid upload conflicts of the same file...
checksum -f=codac_${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip -t=sha256
shell: bash
if: runner.os=='Windows'
- run: |
cd packages
chmod +x ./
./ $(if [ -z "$(. /etc/os-release && echo $UBUNTU_CODENAME)" ]; then echo debian; else echo ubuntu; fi) ${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }} $(dpkg --print-architecture) $SOFTWARE_VERSION $DEBIAN_PACKAGE_REV $PACKAGE_REV
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i libcodac-dev-$PACKAGE_VERSION\_$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb
shell: bash
if: matrix.cfg.deb==true
- run: |
sudo cp -Rf codac/* /usr/local/
shell: bash
if: runner.os=='macOS'
- uses: xresloader/upload-to-github-release@v1
file: "*.zip;*.nupkg;*.deb"
overwrite: true
tag_name: autotagname-${{ github.sha }}
if: (github.event_name!='pull_request')&&((github.ref_name=='codac1')||(github.ref_name=='codac2')||(github.ref_name=='codac2_codac4matlab'))
- run: |
if [ ${{ runner.os }} = Windows ]; then source ~/refreshenv.bashrc ; refreshenv ; export PATH=$BASHMINGWPATH:$PATH ; fi
cd build && ctest -C Debug -V --output-on-failure
cd ..
shell: bash
if: (matrix.cfg.cross!=true)
- run: |
if [ ${{ runner.os }} = Windows ]; then source ~/refreshenv.bashrc ; refreshenv ; export PATH=$BASHMINGWPATH:$PATH ; fi
rm -Rf codac
cd tests/test_codac
cmake ${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_params }} .
cmake --build . --config Release
file ./${{ matrix.cfg.test_config }}my_project
./${{ matrix.cfg.test_config }}my_project
cd ../..
shell: bash
if: (matrix.cfg.cross!=true)