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Attempt to solve error for some MinGW configurations inside CLion and improved build performance for some configurations #286

Attempt to solve error for some MinGW configurations inside CLion and improved build performance for some configurations

Attempt to solve error for some MinGW configurations inside CLion and improved build performance for some configurations #286

Workflow file for this run

# This file generates Python wheels for macOS
- codac1
- codac2
- codac2_codac4matlab
tags: '' # Restrict to blank tags
runs-on: ${{ matrix.cfg.os }}
MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET: ${{ matrix.cfg.trgt }}
_PYTHON_HOST_PLATFORM: macosx-${{ matrix.cfg.trgt }}-${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}
shell: ${{ }}
fail-fast: false
- { os: macos-14, shell: bash, arch: arm64, runtime: sonoma, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', trgt: '11.0', cpcfg: '-macosx_11_0_arm64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 13, desc: 'macOS Sonoma Python 3.13 arm64' }
- { os: macos-14, shell: bash, arch: arm64, runtime: sonoma, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', trgt: '11.0', cpcfg: '-macosx_11_0_arm64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 12, desc: 'macOS Sonoma Python 3.12 arm64' }
- { os: macos-14, shell: bash, arch: arm64, runtime: sonoma, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', trgt: '11.0', cpcfg: '-macosx_11_0_arm64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 11, desc: 'macOS Sonoma Python 3.11 arm64' }
- { os: macos-13, shell: bash, arch: arm64, runtime: ventura, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', trgt: '11.0', cpcfg: '-macosx_11_0_arm64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 10, cross: true, desc: 'macOS Ventura Python 3.10 arm64 (cross)' }
- { os: macos-13, shell: bash, arch: arm64, runtime: ventura, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', trgt: '11.0', cpcfg: '-macosx_11_0_arm64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 9, cross: true, desc: 'macOS Ventura Python 3.9 arm64 (cross)' }
- { os: macos-13, shell: bash, arch: arm64, runtime: ventura, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', trgt: '11.0', cpcfg: '-macosx_11_0_arm64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 8, cross: true, desc: 'macOS Ventura Python 3.8 arm64 (cross)' }
- { os: macos-13, shell: bash, arch: arm64, runtime: ventura, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', trgt: '11.0', cpcfg: 'm-macosx_11_0_arm64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 7, cross: true, desc: 'macOS Ventura Python 3.7 arm64 (cross)' }
- { os: macos-13, shell: bash, arch: arm64, runtime: ventura, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', trgt: '11.0', cpcfg: 'm-macosx_11_0_arm64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 6, cross: true, desc: 'macOS Ventura Python 3.6 arm64 (cross)' }
- { os: macos-13, shell: bash, arch: x86_64, runtime: ventura, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', trgt: '10.16', cpcfg: '-macosx_10_16_x86_64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 13, desc: 'macOS Ventura Python 3.13 x86_64' }
- { os: macos-13, shell: bash, arch: x86_64, runtime: ventura, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', trgt: '10.16', cpcfg: '-macosx_10_16_x86_64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 12, desc: 'macOS Ventura Python 3.12 x86_64' }
- { os: macos-13, shell: bash, arch: x86_64, runtime: ventura, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', trgt: '10.16', cpcfg: '-macosx_10_16_x86_64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 11, desc: 'macOS Ventura Python 3.11 x86_64' }
- { os: macos-13, shell: bash, arch: x86_64, runtime: ventura, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', trgt: '10.16', cpcfg: '-macosx_10_16_x86_64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 10, desc: 'macOS Ventura Python 3.10 x86_64' }
- { os: macos-13, shell: bash, arch: x86_64, runtime: ventura, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', trgt: '10.16', cpcfg: '-macosx_10_16_x86_64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 9, desc: 'macOS Ventura Python 3.9 x86_64' }
- { os: macos-13, shell: bash, arch: x86_64, runtime: ventura, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', trgt: '10.16', cpcfg: '-macosx_10_16_x86_64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 8, desc: 'macOS Ventura Python 3.8 x86_64' }
- { os: macos-13, shell: bash, arch: x86_64, runtime: ventura, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', trgt: '10.16', cpcfg: 'm-macosx_10_16_x86_64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 7, desc: 'macOS Ventura Python 3.7 x86_64' }
- { os: macos-13, shell: bash, arch: x86_64, runtime: ventura, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', trgt: '10.16', cpcfg: 'm-macosx_10_16_x86_64', py_v_maj: 3, py_v_min: 6, desc: 'macOS Ventura Python 3.6 x86_64' } # Was 10.14 because of error $MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET mismatch: now "10.9" but "10.14" during configure. Now 10.16 due to C++20 problems...
name: ${{ matrix.cfg.desc }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: true
fetch-depth: 0
clean: false
- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.cfg.py_v_maj }}.${{ matrix.cfg.py_v_min }}
architecture: x64
if: matrix.cfg.py_v_maj!=''
- run: |
python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"
echo ${{ matrix.cfg.py_v_maj }}.${{ matrix.cfg.py_v_min }}
if: matrix.cfg.py_v_maj!=''
- run: echo "VERBOSE=1" >> $GITHUB_ENV
shell: bash
#- run: brew install eigen
# if: runner.os=='macOS'
- run: brew install graphviz ; brew install --formula doxygen ; python -m pip install --upgrade pip ; pip install --upgrade wheel setuptools sphinx breathe sphinx_rtd_theme sphinx-tabs sphinx-issues sphinx-reredirects
if: runner.os=='macOS'
- run: |
wget${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip --no-check-certificate -nv
unzip -q ibex_${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip
rm -Rf ibex_${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip
sudo cp -Rf ibex/* /usr/local/
shell: bash
- run: |
mkdir build ; cd build
cmake -E env CXXFLAGS="${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_flags }}" CFLAGS="${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_flags }}" cmake ${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_params }} -D CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Darwin -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=${{ matrix.cfg.arch }} -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="../codac" -D BUILD_TESTS=ON -D WITH_CAPD=OFF -D WITH_PYTHON=ON ..
cmake --build . -j 4 --config Release --target install
cmake --build . --config Release --target pip_package ; cp `ls *.whl` ../`ls *.whl | sed "s/py3-none-any/cp${{ matrix.cfg.py_v_maj }}${{ matrix.cfg.py_v_min }}-cp${{ matrix.cfg.py_v_maj }}${{ matrix.cfg.py_v_min }}${{ matrix.cfg.cpcfg }}/"`
cd ..
shell: bash
- uses: xresloader/upload-to-github-release@v1
file: "*.whl"
overwrite: true
tag_name: autotagname-${{ github.sha }}
if: (github.event_name!='pull_request')&&((github.ref_name=='codac1')||(github.ref_name=='codac2')||(github.ref_name=='codac2_codac4matlab'))
- run: |
pip install --no-deps --no-index *.whl
python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)" ; python examples/02_centered_form/
pip install numpy --prefer-binary
python -m unittest discover codac.tests
cd build && ctest -C Release -V --output-on-failure
cd ..
shell: bash
if: (matrix.cfg.cross!=true)&&(github.ref_name!='codac2_codac4matlab')&&(github.event.pull_request.base.ref!='codac2_codac4matlab')