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Merge pull request #182 from SimonRohou/codac2_dev #652

Merge pull request #182 from SimonRohou/codac2_dev

Merge pull request #182 from SimonRohou/codac2_dev #652

Workflow file for this run

# This file generates .deb (Unix) and .nupkg (Windows) packages (and zip for having Codac and IBEX binaries for several Visual Studio versions)
branches: '**'
tags: '' # Restrict to blank tags
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: (github.event_name!='pull_request')&&((github.ref_name=='codac1')||(github.ref_name=='codac2')||(github.ref_name=='codac2_codac4matlab'))
- uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v2
id: create_release
draft: true
tag_name: autotagname-${{ github.sha }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.cfg.os }}
if: (github.ref_name!='codac2_codac4matlab')&&(github.event.pull_request.base.ref!='codac2_codac4matlab')
shell: ${{ }}
fail-fast: false
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x64, bitness: 64, runtime: vc17, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v143 -A x64', cmake_flags: ' /wd4267 /wd4244 /wd4305 /wd4996', test_config: 'Release/', desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2022 x64' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x86, bitness: 32, runtime: vc17, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v143 -A Win32', cmake_flags: ' /wd4267 /wd4244 /wd4305 /wd4996', test_config: 'Release/', choco_flags: '--x86', desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2022 x86' }
# Problems related to C++20?
#- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x64, bitness: 64, runtime: vc16, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v142 -A x64', cmake_flags: ' /wd4267 /wd4244 /wd4305 /wd4996', test_config: 'Release/', desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2019 x64' }
#- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x86, bitness: 32, runtime: vc16, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 17" -T v142 -A Win32', cmake_flags: ' /wd4267 /wd4244 /wd4305 /wd4996', test_config: 'Release/', choco_flags: '--x86', desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2019 x86' }
#- { os: windows-2019, shell: cmd, arch: x64, bitness: 64, runtime: vc15, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 16" -T v141 -A x64', cmake_flags: ' /wd4267 /wd4244 /wd4305 /wd4996', test_config: 'Release/', desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2017 x64' }
#- { os: windows-2019, shell: cmd, arch: x86, bitness: 32, runtime: vc15, cmake_params: '-G "Visual Studio 16" -T v141 -A Win32', cmake_flags: ' /wd4267 /wd4244 /wd4305 /wd4996', test_config: 'Release/', choco_flags: '--x86', desc: 'Windows Visual Studio 2017 x86' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x64, bitness: 64, runtime: mingw13, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', desc: 'Windows MinGW 13.2.0 x64' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x86, bitness: 32, runtime: mingw13, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', choco_flags: '--x86', desc: 'Windows MinGW 13.2.0 x86' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x64, bitness: 64, runtime: mingw12, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', desc: 'Windows MinGW 12.2.0 x64' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x86, bitness: 32, runtime: mingw12, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', choco_flags: '--x86', desc: 'Windows MinGW 12.2.0 x86' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x64, bitness: 64, runtime: mingw11, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', desc: 'Windows MinGW 11.2.0 x64' }
- { os: windows-2022, shell: cmd, arch: x86, bitness: 32, runtime: mingw11, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', choco_flags: '--x86', desc: 'Windows MinGW 11.2.0 x86' }
# Problems related to C++20?
#- { os: windows-2019, shell: cmd, arch: x64, bitness: 64, runtime: mingw8, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', desc: 'Windows MinGW 8.1.0 x64' }
#- { os: windows-2019, shell: cmd, arch: x86, bitness: 32, runtime: mingw8, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', choco_flags: '--x86', desc: 'Windows MinGW 8.1.0 x86' }
#- { os: windows-2019, shell: cmd, arch: x64, bitness: 64, runtime: mingw7, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', desc: 'Windows MinGW 7.3.0 x64' }
#- { os: windows-2019, shell: cmd, arch: x86, bitness: 32, runtime: mingw7, cmake_params: '-G "MinGW Makefiles"', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', choco_flags: '--x86', desc: 'Windows MinGW 7.3.0 x86' }
- { os: ubuntu-24.04, shell: bash, arch: amd64, bitness: 64, runtime: noble, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', deb: true, desc: 'Ubuntu 24.04 amd64' }
- { os: ubuntu-22.04, shell: bash, arch: amd64, bitness: 64, runtime: jammy, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', deb: true, desc: 'Ubuntu 22.04 amd64' }
# Problems related to C++20?
#- { os: ubuntu-20.04, shell: bash, arch: amd64, bitness: 64, runtime: focal, cmake_flags: '-fPIC', deb: true, desc: 'Ubuntu 20.04 amd64' }
- { os: macos-15, shell: bash, arch: arm64, bitness: 64, runtime: sequoia, cmake_params: '-D CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Darwin -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=arm64', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', desc: 'macOS Sequoia arm64' }
- { os: macos-15, shell: bash, arch: x86_64, bitness: 64, runtime: sequoia, cmake_params: '-D CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Darwin -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=x86_64', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', cross: true, desc: 'macOS Sequoia x86_64 (cross)' }
- { os: macos-14, shell: bash, arch: arm64, bitness: 64, runtime: sonoma, cmake_params: '-D CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Darwin -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=arm64', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', desc: 'macOS Sonoma arm64' }
- { os: macos-14, shell: bash, arch: x86_64, bitness: 64, runtime: sonoma, cmake_params: '-D CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Darwin -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=x86_64', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', cross: true, desc: 'macOS Sonoma x86_64 (cross)' }
- { os: macos-13, shell: bash, arch: arm64, bitness: 64, runtime: ventura, cmake_params: '-D CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Darwin -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=arm64', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', cross: true, desc: 'macOS Ventura arm64 (cross)' }
- { os: macos-13, shell: bash, arch: x86_64, bitness: 64, runtime: ventura, cmake_params: '-D CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Darwin -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=x86_64', cmake_flags: '-fPIC', desc: 'macOS Ventura x86_64' }
name: ${{ matrix.cfg.desc }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: true
fetch-depth: 0
clean: false
# From
- run: echo "git_tag=`git describe --tags --abbrev=0`" >> $GITHUB_ENV
shell: bash
# See
- run: |
echo "SOFTWARE_VERSION=${git_tag:1}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
shell: bash
- run: if [ -z "$CHOCO_PACKAGE_REV" ]; then echo "PACKAGE_VERSION=${SOFTWARE_VERSION/.dev*/-dev.$(date +%Y%m%d)}" >> $GITHUB_ENV ; else echo "PACKAGE_VERSION=$SOFTWARE_VERSION.$CHOCO_PACKAGE_REV" >> $GITHUB_ENV ; fi
shell: bash
if: runner.os=='Windows'
shell: bash
if: matrix.cfg.deb==true
- run: |
choco install -y -r --no-progress checksum wget zip
rem Workaround to try solve some random package download failures...
wget --no-check-certificate -nv
wget --no-check-certificate -nv
choco install -y -r --no-progress -s . winflexbison patch ${{ matrix.cfg.choco_flags }}
del /f /q winflexbison. patch.2.5.9.nupkg
wget --no-check-certificate -nv
7z x -o"%SystemDrive%" -y
del /f /q
wget --no-check-certificate -nv
move /y refreshenv.bashrc %USERPROFILE%
if: runner.os=='Windows'
- run: |
choco install -y -r --no-progress mingw --version=7.3.0 --force ${{ matrix.cfg.choco_flags }}
%SystemDrive%\cmake_extra_tools\pathman /as C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\mingw\tools\install\mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}\bin & cd. & rem Non-zero exit code...?
echo export BASHMINGWPATH=/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib/mingw/tools/install/mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}/bin>>%USERPROFILE%\.bashrc
if: (matrix.cfg.runtime=='mingw7')
- run: |
choco install -y -r --no-progress mingw --version=8.1.0 --force ${{ matrix.cfg.choco_flags }}
%SystemDrive%\cmake_extra_tools\pathman /as C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\mingw\tools\install\mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}\bin & cd. & rem Non-zero exit code...?
echo export BASHMINGWPATH=/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib/mingw/tools/install/mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}/bin>>%USERPROFILE%\.bashrc
if: (matrix.cfg.runtime=='mingw8')
- run: |
choco install -y -r --no-progress mingw --version= --force ${{ matrix.cfg.choco_flags }}
%SystemDrive%\cmake_extra_tools\pathman /as C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\mingw\tools\install\mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}\bin & cd. & rem Non-zero exit code...?
echo export BASHMINGWPATH=/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib/mingw/tools/install/mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}/bin>>%USERPROFILE%\.bashrc
if: (matrix.cfg.runtime=='mingw11')
- run: |
choco install -y -r --no-progress mingw --version= --force ${{ matrix.cfg.choco_flags }}
%SystemDrive%\cmake_extra_tools\pathman /as C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\mingw\tools\install\mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}\bin & cd. & rem Non-zero exit code...?
echo export BASHMINGWPATH=/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib/mingw/tools/install/mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}/bin>>%USERPROFILE%\.bashrc
if: (matrix.cfg.runtime=='mingw12')
- run: |
choco install -y -r --no-progress mingw --version=13.2.0 --force ${{ matrix.cfg.choco_flags }}
%SystemDrive%\cmake_extra_tools\pathman /as C:\ProgramData\mingw64\mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}\bin & cd. & rem Non-zero exit code...?
echo export BASHMINGWPATH=/c/ProgramData/mingw64/mingw${{ matrix.cfg.bitness }}/bin>>%USERPROFILE%\.bashrc
if: (matrix.cfg.runtime=='mingw13')
- run: |
#choco install -y -r --no-progress eigen --version= ${{ matrix.cfg.choco_flags }}
wget --no-check-certificate -nv
choco install -y -r --no-progress --ignore-dependencies -s . ibex --version= ${{ matrix.cfg.choco_flags }} --params "'/url:${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip'"
del /f /q ibex.
if: runner.os=='Windows'
- run: |
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [trusted=yes]$(if [ -z "$(. /etc/os-release && echo $UBUNTU_CODENAME)" ]; then echo debian/$(. /etc/os-release && echo $VERSION_CODENAME); else echo ubuntu/$(. /etc/os-release && echo $UBUNTU_CODENAME); fi) ./" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ensta-bretagne.list'
# Replace this line by the next ones to test a specific binary package of IBEX.
#sudo apt-get -q update ; sudo apt-get -y install libibex-dev dpkg-dev || true
sudo apt-get -q update ; sudo apt-get -y install dpkg-dev || true
wget${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}0_$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb --no-check-certificate -nv
sudo dpkg -i libibex-dev-${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}0_$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb
rm -Rf libibex-dev-${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}0_$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb
shell: bash
if: matrix.cfg.deb==true
- run: |
#brew install eigen
wget${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip --no-check-certificate -nv
unzip -q ibex_${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip
rm -Rf ibex_${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip
sudo cp -Rf ibex/* /usr/local/
if: runner.os=='macOS'
# - run: git clone --depth 1 -b master ; cd ibex-lib ; mkdir build ; cd build ; cmake -E env CXXFLAGS="${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_flags }}" CFLAGS="${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_flags }}" cmake ${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_params }} -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="../../ibex" .. ; cmake --build . --config Release --target install ; cd ../..
# shell: bash
- run: |
if [ ${{ runner.os }} = Windows ]; then source ~/refreshenv.bashrc ; refreshenv ; export PATH=$BASHMINGWPATH:$PATH ; fi
mkdir build ; cd build
cmake -E env CXXFLAGS="${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_flags }}" CFLAGS="${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_flags }}" cmake ${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_params }} -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="../codac" ..
cmake --build . -j 4 --config Debug --target install
cd ..
sed_param=s/PATH_SUFFIXES\ /PATHS\ \$\{CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE\}\\/..\\/..\\/..\\/..\\/\ PATH_SUFFIXES\ /
if [ ${{ runner.os }} = Windows ]; then sed -i "$sed_param" codac/share/codac/cmake/*.cmake ; fi
zip -q -r codac_${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip codac
shell: bash
- run: |
if [ ${{ runner.os }} = Windows ]; then source ~/refreshenv.bashrc ; refreshenv ; export PATH=$BASHMINGWPATH:$PATH ; fi
mkdir -p codac_standalone/example ; cd codac_standalone
#wget --no-check-certificate -nv ; unzip -q -d eigen ; rm -Rf eigen/*.xml eigen/*.nuspec eigen/_* eigen/package eigen/tools
if [ ${{ runner.os }} = Windows ]; then cp -Rf /C/ProgramData/chocolatey/lib/ibex . ; rm -Rf ibex/tools ibex/ibex.*
elif [ ${{ matrix.cfg.deb }} = true ]; then mkdir -p ibex/include ; mkdir -p ibex/lib ; mkdir -p ibex/share ; mkdir -p ibex/bin ; cp -Rf /usr/include/ibex* ibex/include/ ; cp -Rf /usr/lib/*ibex* ibex/lib/ ; cp -Rf /usr/share/*ibex* ibex/share/ ; cp -Rf /usr/share/pkgconfig ibex/share/ ; cp -Rf /usr/bin/ibex* ibex/bin/
else cp -Rf ../ibex .
cp -Rf ../codac . ; cp -Rf ../tests/test_codac/* ./example/ ; cd .. ; zip -q -r codac_standalone_${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip codac_standalone
shell: bash
- run: |
if [ ${{ runner.os }} = Windows ]; then source ~/refreshenv.bashrc ; refreshenv ; export PATH=$BASHMINGWPATH:$PATH ; fi
cd codac_standalone/example
cmake ${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_params }} .
cmake --build . --config Release
file ./${{ matrix.cfg.test_config }}my_project
./${{ matrix.cfg.test_config }}my_project
cd ../..
shell: bash
if: (matrix.cfg.cross!=true)
- run: |
source ~/refreshenv.bashrc ; refreshenv ; export PATH=$BASHMINGWPATH:$PATH
cd packages/choco
sed -i "$sed_param" codac/codac.nuspec
sed -i "$sed_param" codac/codac.nuspec
sed -i "$sed_param" codac/tools/chocolateyinstall.ps1
sed_param=s/\\$CMakePackageVer\ =\ \"1\"/\\$CMakePackageVer\ =\ \"${SOFTWARE_VERSION}\"/
sed -i "$sed_param" codac/tools/sharedVars.ps1
mv -f codac codac.$PACKAGE_VERSION
choco pack
mv -f codac.$PACKAGE_VERSION.nupkg ../../../
cd ../../..
checksum -f=codac.$PACKAGE_VERSION.nupkg -t=sha256
choco install -y -r --no-progress --ignore-dependencies -s . codac --pre --params "'/url:./codac_${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip'"
if [ ${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }} != mingw11 ] || [ ${{ matrix.cfg.arch }} != x64 ]; then rm -Rf codac.$PACKAGE_VERSION.nupkg ; fi # To avoid upload conflicts of the same file...
checksum -f=codac_${{ matrix.cfg.arch }}_${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }}.zip -t=sha256
shell: bash
if: runner.os=='Windows'
- run: |
cd packages
chmod +x ./
./ $(if [ -z "$(. /etc/os-release && echo $UBUNTU_CODENAME)" ]; then echo debian; else echo ubuntu; fi) ${{ matrix.cfg.runtime }} $(dpkg --print-architecture) $SOFTWARE_VERSION $DEBIAN_PACKAGE_REV $PACKAGE_REV
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i libcodac-dev-$PACKAGE_VERSION\_$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb
shell: bash
if: matrix.cfg.deb==true
- run: |
sudo cp -Rf codac/* /usr/local/
shell: bash
if: runner.os=='macOS'
- uses: xresloader/upload-to-github-release@v1
file: "*.zip;*.nupkg;*.deb"
overwrite: true
tag_name: autotagname-${{ github.sha }}
if: (github.event_name!='pull_request')&&((github.ref_name=='codac1')||(github.ref_name=='codac2')||(github.ref_name=='codac2_codac4matlab'))
- run: |
if [ ${{ runner.os }} = Windows ]; then source ~/refreshenv.bashrc ; refreshenv ; export PATH=$BASHMINGWPATH:$PATH ; fi
rm -Rf codac
cd tests/test_codac
cmake ${{ matrix.cfg.cmake_params }} .
cmake --build . --config Release
file ./${{ matrix.cfg.test_config }}my_project
./${{ matrix.cfg.test_config }}my_project
cd ../..
shell: bash
if: (matrix.cfg.cross!=true)