MarvinDocs is a comprehensive documentation repository designed to help users learn, use, and master the HPC Marvin cluster at LNBio/CNPEM. This repository includes essential resources, such as tutorials, guides, policies, and examples that allow users to streamline their research and gain deeper insights into high-performance computing.
The documentation is produced using the mdbook platform, which provides a user-friendly and easy-to-navigate interface that enables users to access information efficiently. The documentation covers a wide range of topics, including HPC Marvin's architecture, configuration, software, and job submission, and provides solutions to common problems and errors.
Whether you are a new or experienced user, this repository will be an essential resource for improving your productivity and enhancing your research capabilities. We encourage users to contribute to this repository by sharing their experiences, feedback, and suggestions.
Get started by exploring MarvinDocs, and don't forget to bookmark this repository for future reference.