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Kubernetes Operator for Landscape Graph


Kubernetes Operator for Landscape Graph


Operator Scope & Requirements

  • Applications & Services

    • neo4j enterprise
    • bloom enterprise, w/ GH auth (if possible, else other)
    • GraphQL endpoint
    • front door(s)
    • src-d/gitbase
    • various cron / batch jobs
  • Operations & Observability

    • linkerd
    • observability stack
      • (starting position for alacrity - OTel Collector, Fluentd, Grafana, Cortex, Loki, (Jaeger || Tempo))
  • Security & Connectivity

    • SSO / OIDC (spiffe? oauth2-proxy?)
    • cert-manager, LetsEncrypt
    • external-dns
    • Secrets mgmt (suggest: external-secrets,
    • proper RBAC, including Service Accounts for all services (no default SA!!!)

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