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Content store redesign

Michael Frey edited this page May 17, 2019 · 24 revisions


We've started to redesign the content store (CS) on our last hackathon. There are multiple reasons for redesigning the content store:

  • allow to have multiple content stores at once, e.g. for specific prefixes or for long term storage (e.g. a sd-card)
  • reduce the size of the global ccnl_relay_t struct
  • allow to have different types of content store (a hash-map-based content store, a double linked-list, a statically memory-allocated content store (for iot devices), ...)


  • Basically, we provide a ccnl_cs_opt_t struct which contains function pointers to add, remove, lookup functions of a concrete implementation
  • Functions in src/ccnl-cs/src/ccnl_cs.c provide generic checks (parameters are not null, etc.) for the concrete implementation before calling a concrete implementation


  • provide a CS implementation which implements the new CS interface
  • unit tests in test/ccnl-cs should have for every available implementation their own setup/teardown function (where the ccnl_cs_opt_t struct is set with the function pointers of the concrete implementation)
  • integrate the CS redesign into CCN-lite
    • remove the current CS from ccnl_relay_t struct
    • replace calls to the CS in the ccnl_relay_t struct with calls to a new (temporary) global variable

Current status


Development currently takes place in Cenks fork of CCN-lite, to be precise in branch cs_refactoring. The workflow is that you create a branch based on Cenks feature branch and do a PR once you complete a feature of the CS. As soon we are ready to integrate the redesigned CS into CCN-lite Cenk will open a PR to the (main) CCN-lite repository.

Problems & Challenges

  • Prefixes (ccnl_prefix_s) and content (ccnl_contained_s) are not a flat raw byte representation (contrary to the new name (ccnl_cs_name_t) and content (ccnl_cs_content_t) structs, hence we need a mechanism to marshall/unmarshall between these representations
  • The CCN-Lite module for RIOT introduced functions for adding, removing and looking up content. These function clash name-wise with functions defined in ccnl-cs.h


  • Shall we add a function for dumping the content store to ccnl_cs_opt_t, e.g. dumping to the command line or to a string?
  • Lookup function should provide different comparing modes for prefix
  • The "old" ccnl_content_remove function returns the removed object (?), should investigate if this is still really necessary (the element to be removed is passed to the function in the first place)



ccnl_fwd_handleContent check for duplicate content
ccnl_fwd_handleInterest retrieving content


ccnl_content_serve_pending analyze
ccnl_cs_dump print content store done
ccnl_do_ageing done


ccnl_relay_config initialization


rpc_cacheRemove removing content from cache



  • removed notion of -1 for max_cache_size as unlimited