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Python library for denormalizing nested dicts or json objects to tables and back


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Python library for denormalizing/flattening lists of complex objects to tables/data frames, with roundtripping

Notebook Example



Given YAML/JSON/JSON-Lines such as:

- id: S001
  name: Lord of the Rings
    - fantasy
    name: JRR Tolkein
    from_country: England
    - id: S001.1
      name: Fellowship of the Ring
      price: 5.99
      summary: Hobbits
    - id: S001.2
      name: The Two Towers
      price: 5.99
      summary: More hobbits
    - id: S001.3
      name: Return of the King
      price: 6.99
      summary: Yet more hobbits
- id: S002
  name: The Culture Series
    - scifi
    name: Ian M Banks
    from_country: Scotland
    - id: S002.1
      name: Consider Phlebas
      price: 5.99
    - id: S002.2
      name: Player of Games
      price: 5.99

Denormalize using jfl command:

jfl flatten -C creator=flat -C books=multivalued -i examples/books1.yaml -o examples/books1-flattened.tsv
id name genres creator_name creator_from_country books_name books_summary books_price books_id creator_genres
S001 Lord of the Rings [fantasy] JRR Tolkein England [Fellowship of the Ring|The Two Towers|Return of the King] [Hobbits|More hobbits|Yet more hobbits] [5.99|5.99|6.99] [S001.1|S001.2|S001.3]
S002 The Culture Series [scifi] Ian M Banks Scotland [Consider Phlebas|Player of Games] [5.99|5.99] [S002.1|S002.2]

To convert back to JSON/YAML we must first cache the generated mappings when we do the flatten with -O:

jfl flatten -C creator=flat -C books=multivalued -i examples/books1.yaml -O examples/conf.yaml -o examples/books1-flattened.tsv

Then pass this as an argument

jfl unflatten -C creator=flat -C books=multivalued -i examples/books1.tsv -c examples/conf.yaml -o examples/books1.yaml

This library also allows complex fields to be directly serialized as json or yaml (the default is to append _json to the key). For example:

jfl flatten -C creator=json -C books=json -i examples/books1.yaml -o examples/books1-jsonified.tsv
id name genres creator_json books_json
S001 Lord of the Rings [fantasy] {"name": "JRR Tolkein", "from_country": "England"} [{"id": "S001.1", "name": "Fellowship of the Ring", "summary": "Hobbits", "price": 5.99}, {"id": "S001.2", "name": "The Two Towers", "summary": "More hobbits", "price": 5.99}, {"id": "S001.3", "name": "Return of the King", "summary": "Yet more hobbits", "price": 6.99}]
S002 The Culture Series [scifi] {"name": "Ian M Banks", "from_country": "Scotland"} [{"id": "S002.1", "name": "Consider Phlebas", "price": 5.99}, {"id": "S002.2", "name": "Player of Games", "price": 5.99}]
S003 Book of the New Sun [scifi, fantasy] {"name": "Gene Wolfe", "genres": ["scifi", "fantasy"], "from_country": "USA"} [{"id": "S003.1", "name": "Shadow of the Torturer"}, {"id": "S003.2", "name": "Claw of the Conciliator", "price": 6.99}]
S004 Example with single book {"name": "Ms Writer", "genres": ["romance"], "from_country": "USA"} [{"id": "S004.1", "name": "Blah"}]
S005 Example with no books {"name": "Mr Unproductive", "genres": ["romance", "scifi", "fantasy"], "from_country": "USA"}


<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="960" height="569" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

The primary use case is to go from a rich normalized data model (as python objects, JSON, or YAML) to a flatter representation that is amenable to processing with:

  • Solr/Lucene
  • Pandas/R Dataframes
  • Excel/Google sheets
  • Unix cut/grep/cat/etc
  • Simple denormalized SQL database representations

The target denormalized format is a list of rows / a data matrix, where each cell is either an atom or a list of atoms.

Usage from Python

dict = {
            "id": "A1",
            "subject": {"id": "G1", "name": "gene1", "category": "gene"},
            "object": {"id": "T1", "name": "term1", "category": "term"},
            "publications": ["PMID1", "PMID2"],
            "closure": [
                {"id": "X1", "name": "x1"},
                {"id": "X2", "name": "x2"},
                {"id": "X3", "name": "x3"},
kconfig = {
            "subject": KeyConfig(delete=True, serializers="yaml"),
            "object": KeyConfig(delete=True, flatten=True),
            "closure": KeyConfig(delete=True, is_list=True, flatten=True),
config = GlobalConfig(key_configs=kconfig)
flattened_objs = flatten(objs, config)


  • Each top level key becomes a column
  • if the key value is a dict/object, then flatten
    • by default a '_' is used to separate the parent key from the inner key
    • e.g. the composition of creator and from_country becomes creator_from_country
    • currently one level of flattening is supported
  • if the key value is a list of atomic entities, then leave as is
  • if the key value is a list of dicts/objects, then flatten each key of this inner dict into a list
    • e.g. if books is a list of book objects, and name is a key on book, then books_name is a list of names of each book
    • order is significant - the first element of books_name is matched to the first element of books_price, etc
  • Allow any key to be serialized as yaml/json/pickle if configured


Pandas json_normalize

Java json-flattener

