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awesome jbrowse 2 citations, screenshots or instances around the web. visit website here


tags name instance/url note img
Plant Arabidopsis browser with nascent RNA sequencing data Landscape of transcription termination in Arabidopsis revealed by single-molecule nascent RNA sequencing (pub) (url) img
Arthropod Japanese rhinoceros beetle browser The draft genome sequence of Japanese rhinoceros beetle Trypoxylus dichotomus (pub) (url) img
Vertebrate,Fish Atlantic chub mackerel browser A genome assembly of the Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias): a valuable teleost fishing resource (pub) (url) img
Plant Arabidopsis transposon discovery with Nanotei pipeline Transposons Hidden in Arabidopsis thaliana Genome Assembly Gaps and Mobilization of Non-Autonomous LTR Retrotransposons Unravelled by Nanotei Pipeline (pub) img
Virus Serratus - Petabase scale viral discovery Petabase-scale sequence alignment catalyses viral discovery (pub) (url) img
Plant TCMPG - Traditional Chinese medicinal plant genome database TCMPG: an integrative database for traditional Chinese medicine plant genomes (pub) (url) img
Fungi S. pombe to cavanine (PomBase) Canavanine resistance mutation can1-1 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe is a missense mutation in the ubiquitin ligase adaptor gene any1 (pub) (url) img
Arthropod Black carpenter ant genome assembly De novosequencing, diploid assembly, and annotation of the black carpenter ant,Camponotus pennsylvanicus, and its symbionts by one person for $1000, using nanopore sequencing (pub) img
Plant,Methylation Methylation profiling in cereal crops Searching for a Needle in a Haystack: Cas9-Targeted Nanopore Sequencing and DNA Methylation Profiling of Full-Length Glutenin Genes in a Big Cereal Genome (pub) img
Algae,Methylation PhaeoEpiView - Diatom epigenome browser PhaeoEpiView: An epigenome browser of the newly assembled genome of the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum (pub) img
Vertebrate,Fish Squalomix - shark and ray comparative genomics Squalomix: shark and ray genome analysis consortium and its data sharing platform (pub) img
Vertebrate,Fish FishSCT: zebrafish centric single-cell transcriptome database FishSCT: a zebrafish-centric database for exploration and visualization of fish single-cell transcriptome (pub) img
Vertebrate,Agricultural IAnimal: a cross-species omics knowledgebase for animals IAnimal: a cross-species omics knowledgebase for animals (pub) img
GWAS,Human GWAS Central GWAS Central: an expanding resource for finding and visualising genotype and phenotype data from genome-wide association studies (pub) img
Virus The Treenome Browser Treenome Browser: co-visualization of enormous phylogenies and millions of genomes (pub) img
Eukaryotic,Multi-species Swedish Reference Genome Portal Swedish Reference Genome Portal - A service facilitating access and discovery of genome data of non-model eukaryotic species studied in Sweden (pub) (url) img