awesome jbrowse 2 citations, screenshots or instances around the web. visit website here
tags | name | instance/url | note | img |
Plant | Arabidopsis browser with nascent RNA sequencing data | Landscape of transcription termination in Arabidopsis revealed by single-molecule nascent RNA sequencing (pub) (url) | img | |
Arthropod | Japanese rhinoceros beetle browser | The draft genome sequence of Japanese rhinoceros beetle Trypoxylus dichotomus (pub) (url) | img | |
Vertebrate,Fish | Atlantic chub mackerel browser | A genome assembly of the Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias): a valuable teleost fishing resource (pub) (url) | img | |
Plant | Arabidopsis transposon discovery with Nanotei pipeline | Transposons Hidden in Arabidopsis thaliana Genome Assembly Gaps and Mobilization of Non-Autonomous LTR Retrotransposons Unravelled by Nanotei Pipeline (pub) | img | |
Virus | Serratus - Petabase scale viral discovery | Petabase-scale sequence alignment catalyses viral discovery (pub) (url) | img | |
Plant | TCMPG - Traditional Chinese medicinal plant genome database | TCMPG: an integrative database for traditional Chinese medicine plant genomes (pub) (url) | img | |
Fungi | S. pombe to cavanine (PomBase) | Canavanine resistance mutation can1-1 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe is a missense mutation in the ubiquitin ligase adaptor gene any1 (pub) (url) | img | |
Arthropod | Black carpenter ant genome assembly | De novosequencing, diploid assembly, and annotation of the black carpenter ant,Camponotus pennsylvanicus, and its symbionts by one person for $1000, using nanopore sequencing (pub) | img | |
Plant,Methylation | Methylation profiling in cereal crops | Searching for a Needle in a Haystack: Cas9-Targeted Nanopore Sequencing and DNA Methylation Profiling of Full-Length Glutenin Genes in a Big Cereal Genome (pub) | img | |
Algae,Methylation | PhaeoEpiView - Diatom epigenome browser | PhaeoEpiView: An epigenome browser of the newly assembled genome of the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum (pub) | img | |
Vertebrate,Fish | Squalomix - shark and ray comparative genomics | Squalomix: shark and ray genome analysis consortium and its data sharing platform (pub) | img | |
Vertebrate,Fish | FishSCT: zebrafish centric single-cell transcriptome database | FishSCT: a zebrafish-centric database for exploration and visualization of fish single-cell transcriptome (pub) | img | |
Vertebrate,Agricultural | IAnimal: a cross-species omics knowledgebase for animals | IAnimal: a cross-species omics knowledgebase for animals (pub) | img | |
GWAS,Human | GWAS Central | GWAS Central: an expanding resource for finding and visualising genotype and phenotype data from genome-wide association studies (pub) | img | |
Virus | The Treenome Browser | Treenome Browser: co-visualization of enormous phylogenies and millions of genomes (pub) | img | |
Eukaryotic,Multi-species | Swedish Reference Genome Portal | Swedish Reference Genome Portal - A service facilitating access and discovery of genome data of non-model eukaryotic species studied in Sweden (pub) (url) | img |