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Utility scripts and classes for working with GitHub projects. Specifically supporting ProjectsVNext and actions

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Utility scripts and classes for working with GitHub projects. Specifically supporting ProjectsVNext and actions.


A note on naming: it's a bit confusing to specify "Project" and "Project vNext" to denote "old" and "new" project types. So instead "old" projects are called "Boards" and "new" projects are "Projects".

⚠️ the ProjectNext APIs are now deprecated. The module is left intact for backwards compatibility, but usage should migrate to the ProjectV2 API in project-v2.psm1. The Project interface and all related types are unchanged in the new version.

Common Types


A single item on a Project or Board which corresponds to a single Issue or Pull Request.

Note: Boards may also have notes, which are different than ItemContent. A Board card will either have an ItemContent or a note, never both.


[string] $id: the GraphQL id - note this is not the same as the number.

[int] $number: the Issue or Pull Request number. This is what is usually referred to as the "id".

[string] $repository: the full repository name in the form org/repo

[string] $type: "Issue" or "Pull Request"

[string] $author: the Issue or Pull Request author login

[string] $title: the Issue or Pull Request title

[string] $body: the Issue or Pull Request body

[string] $createdAt: the datetime the Issue or Pull Request created at

[bool] $closed: if the Issue or Pull Request is closed

[Label[]] $labels: the Labels on the Issue or Pull Request

[Comment[]] $comments: the Comments on the Issue or Pull request. Note: this is $null by default, call $itemContent.FetchComments() to populate the field.


Note: methods marked with * will also perform a GraphQL mutation and update the server data.

[void]Close() *: closes the Issue or Pull Request.

[void]AddLabel([Label]$label) *: adds the Label the Issue or Pull Request.

[void]RemoveLabel([Label]$label) *: removes the Label from the Issue or Pull Request.

[void]UpdateBody([string]$newBody) *: updates the Issue or Pull Request body to $newBody. Note: double quotes in $newBody will be escaped automaticially - they should not be escaped before calling this.

[void]AddComment([string]$bodyText) *: adds a new Comment to the ItemContent and returns it. The new Comment will appear in .Comments if Comments have already been fetched. Note: double quotes in $bodyText will be escaped automaticially - they should not be escaped before calling this.

[void]FetchComments(): fetches the Issue or Pull Request's Comments. The .Comments field will be $null unless this is called.


A single comment on an ItemContent - an Issue or Pull Request.

Note: this type is currently only accessible through it's parent ItemContent, it cannot be directly fetched.


[string] $id: The GraphQL id.

[string] $body: The comment body.

[string] $author: The Comment author's login.

[string] $createdAt: The UTC time the Comment was created at.


[void]UpdateBody([string]$newBody) *: updates the Comment's body to $newBody. Note: double quotes in $newBody will be escaped automaticially - they should not be escaped before calling this.


The configuration for a label in a repo. Multiple ItemContents can reference the same Label.


[string] $id: The GraphQL id

[string] $name: The name (display text) of the Label

[string] $color: The hex code color of the Label background



[string] $id: The GraphQL id

[int] $name: The repository's name

[Label[]] $labels: The labels that exist in the repository


[Label]AddLabel([string]$name, [string]$color) *: creates a new label with the given name and color (a hex color, e.g. 1d76db) in the specified repository and returns the created Label. Will throw if a label with name already exists.

[void]DeleteLabel([string]$labelNameOrId) *: permanently deletes the label with the given name or GraphQL id from the repo.



The top level entity for a Project vNext which contains the Fields and Items


[string] $id: The GraphQL id - note this is not the same as the number.

[ProjectField[]] $fields: The ProjectFields

[ProjectItem[]] $items: The ProjectItems

[string] $title: The title (aka name) of the Project

[int] $number: The number of the Project


Note: methods marked with * will also perform a GraphQL mutation and update the server data.

[ProjectField]GetField([string]$fieldNameOrId): returns the single ProjectField with matching name or id property (both are compared).

[void]RemoveItem([ProjectItem]$item) *: removes the ProjectItem from the Project (by id)

[ProjectItem]AddItemByContentId([string]$contentId) *: adds a new ProjectItem to the project containing an ItemContent with the given id and returns the ProjectItem. If the ProjectItem already exists this will effectively no-op (although the GraphQL mutation is still run).


A single item (row/card) in a Project. It contains a single ItemContent which corresponds to an actual Issue or Pull Request. It also contains values for the ProjectFields.

Note: both ProjectItem and ItemContent have an id property. ProjectItems are associated with a single Project, while ItemContent can be across multiple Projects. So will only be consistent within a Project. A ProjectItem with the same ItemContent on a different Project will have a different id.


[string] $id: The GraphQL id

[ItemContent] $content: The ItemContent which corresponding to an Issue or Pull Request

[ProjectFieldValue[]] $fieldValues: The ProjectFieldValues


[bool]HasValueForField([string]$fieldNameOrId): returns $true if the ProjectItem has a value for the specified ProjectField.

[string]GetFieldValue([string]$fieldNameOrId): returns the value for the specified ProjectField or $null if not set.

[bool]TrySetFieldValue([string]$fieldNameOrId, [string]$value, [bool]$ignoreOptionNonAscii=$false) *: sets the value for the specified ProjectField to $value, overridding if already set. If the ProjectField is single-value then $value can be the option name or id. If $ignoreOptionNonAscii is $true and the ProjectField is single-select then $value can match name ignoring non-ascii characters (useful when using emojis). Note that some column types (e.g. Date columns) cannot be set to empty string - in this case use TryClearFieldValue instead.

[bool]TryClearFieldValue([string]$fieldNameOrId) *: clears the value for the specified ProjectField.


A single field on the Project (a column on the table view). Single-select ProjectFields with have an options property containing a list of ProjectFieldOptions which give the names of the possible values of the ProjectField.


[string] $id: The GraphQL id

[string] $name: The name of the ProjectField

[ProjectFieldOption[]] $options: The ProjectFieldOptions (only set for single-select ProjectFields)


[string]GetFieldOption([string]$optionNameOrId, [bool]$ignoreNonAscii=$false): searches a single-select ProjectField for a ProjectFieldOption matching $optionNameOrId. If $ignoreNonAscii is $true then $optionNameOrId can match name ignoring non-ascii characters (useful when using emojis). If the ProjectField isn't single-select, returns $null


A single option for a single-select ProjectField


[string] $id: The GraphQL id

[string] $name: The name of the ProjectFieldOption - this is the value the visible in the UI


The value of a ProjectField for a partiicular ProjectItem


[string] $fieldId: The id of the ProjectField this value maps to

[string] $value: The value - for single-select ProjectFields this is the id of the ProjectFieldOption, otherwise it is a text value


# Setup
Import-Module .\types\project-vnext.psm1

# Load Project
$proj = Get-Project -org my-org -projectNumber 123 -token $token

# List field names

# List options for a single-select field

# List repo and # for project items
$proj.items.content | % { "$($_.repository)#$($_.number)" }

# Get/set the Status for a specific item
$proj.items | where { $_.content.number -eq 1234 } | % { $_.GetFieldValue("Status") }
$proj.items | where { $_.content.number -eq 1234 } | % { $_.TrySetFieldValue("Status", "Done") }

# Remove items from the project
$proj.items | where { $_.content.number -eq 1234 } | % { $proj.RemoveItem($_) }

# Add item to the project
$item = $otherProject.items | where { $_.content.number -eq 1234 }



The top level entity for an "old" Project which contains the set of columns (which in turn contain the cards)


[string] $id: The GraphQL id - note this is not the same as the number.

[BoardColumn[]] $columns: the list of BoardColumns

[string] $org: the organization the board belongs to

[string] $repoName: the repository the board belongs to or $null if the board is at an organization level


[BoardColumn]GetColumn([string]$columnIdOrName): returns the single BoardColumn matching the specified value (search both name and id)

[BoardCard]AddNoteToColumn([string]$note, [string]$columnIdOrName, [bool]$moveIfExists=$false) *: adds a new note to the Board and returns the BoardCard containing it. If a note already exists on the Board with the same content, will throw unless $moveIfExists is $true in which case it moves the card.

[BoardCard]AddContentToColumn([ItemContent]$content, [string]$columnIdOrName, [bool]$moveIfExists=$false) *: adds a new ItemContent to the Board and returns the BoardCard containing it. If the Issue or Pull Request already exists on the Board with the same content, will throw unless $moveIfExists is $true in which case it moves the card. If the ItemContent is for another organization, the ItemContent is added as a note instead with the value of the url to that Issue or Pull Request.


A single column of a Board which contains a set of BoardCards


[string] $id: The GraphQL id

[BoardCard[]] $cards: the list of BoardCards

[string] $name: the name of the column - this is what is shown in the UI


A single card of a Board which contains either an ItemContent for an Issue or Pull Request, or a note (but not both).


[string] $id: The GraphQL id

[ItemContent] $content: the ItemContent of a card

[string] $note: the string content of a note


# Setup
Import-Module .\types\board.psm1

# Load Board
$repoBoard = Get-RepoBoard -org my-org -repoName my-repo -boardNumber 123 -token $token
$orgBoard = Get-OrganizationBoard -org my-org -boardNumber 123 -token $token

# List column names

# Get all cards on the Board

# Get all cards by status

# List repo and # for project items (the where filters notes)
$ | where { $ } | % { "$($_.repository)#$($_.number)" }

# Get the status for a specific card
$board.columns | where { $ | where { $_.content.number -eq 1234 } } | % name

# Move a specific card to a different column
$ | where { $_.content.number -eq 1234 } | % { $board.AddContentToColumn($_.content, "Done", $true) }

# Add item to the board (throws if already on the board)
$card = $ | where { $_.content.number -eq 1234 }
$board.AddContentToColumn($, "To do")

# Add note to the board (throws if already on the board)
$board.AddNoteToColumn("my note", "Notes")

Access Token

You need to generate a GitHub personal access token in order to use this library. Follow these steps to create a new access token with the necessary scopes:

  1. Visit
  2. Generate a new token (classic) with the following scopes: admin:org, project, and repo
  3. If you're accessing an organization's projects, Configure SSO for the new token


Utility scripts and classes for working with GitHub projects. Specifically supporting ProjectsVNext and actions






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