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Releases: cloudfoundry/cf-acceptance-tests


08 Feb 19:18
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Updated Tests

  • Fixed a couple tests that started failing with UAA v75.0.0 release
    • slack thread with additional context
    • #455 and #456
    • There were some nil checks that weren't testing anything and misleading users when they should have failed.
    • The regex in helpers/services/sso.go was expecting the UAA authorization code to only contain letters and numbers, which was a incorrect expectation. For example, as of today, the code can contain dashes "-".
  • services/service_instance_lifecycle.go and credhub/service_keys.go
    • Removed skipOnK8s from create-service-key tests now that that functionality has been fixed for cf-for-k8s
  • routing/multiple_app_ports.go
    • As part of the zero downtime feature work in CAPI, making changes to an app's ports now requires a restart for the changes to take effect. This commit reflects that change by adding a cf restart to the "Multiple App Ports" test. #454

Other Updates

  • added a required property credhub_secret to example config #451
  • test changes to develop branch not only against cf-deployment but also against cf-for-k8s (in the CATS pipeline)


16 Dec 18:46
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  • This is a major release because we removed the internetless suite. The internetless functionality is not core to open-source CF.

Updated Tests


  • Relaxed test expectations

Moved Tests

-apps/syslog_drain.go → app_syslog_tcp/syslog_drain.go

  • Split the syslog drain test into a separate suite to allow it to be skipped while still running the apps suite.

Deleted Tests


  • This functionality is not core to open source CF

Other Updates

  • Use vendir to vendor the logging-route-service sample app - this will make sure to actually include the asset files in the released tarball.


18 Nov 00:21
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Updated Tests


  • Relaxes the test expectations to support cli v8.

Other Updates

-dora app

  • Now accepts connections from all addresses.


04 Nov 19:28
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Updated Tests


  • better reflect original intention of the test


  • Stop hardcoding the protocol


  • increase the timeout to reduce flakiness of test on cf-for-k8s where logging can be slower


  • remove obsolete -f flag


  • Use the configured timeout, rather than the hardcoded one

Other updates

  • add uptime endpoint to dora
  • improve sticky session documentation


29 Sep 17:31
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Updated Tests


  • Updated crash event tests to work with Eirini 1.9.0.
  • Updated routing transparency tests to work with Istio.

Helpers updates

  • Helpers added for route tests.


  • Send curl output to file to avoid droplet binary dump in terminal.

Other Updates

  • Convert calls leveraging v2 Cloud Controller API endpoints to use the v3 CAPI endpoints, as part of VAT's work to deprecate v2 CAPI.
  • Additional tests skipped when running against cf-for-k8s, due to incompatibilities with the platform.


21 Sep 23:34
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Updated Tests


  • There are two fixes to test app crashes:
  1. The id checking for recovery was giving false positives because the post-crash ID was returning an error message which happened to differ from the pre-crash app's ID. It turns out that that IDs are reused on cf-for-k8s but change for cf-deployment.
  2. The two different infrastructure's IDs match different specific regular expressions, so a more general one handles both cases.
  • cf-for-k8s is waiting for a new release of eirini that will handle app.crash events, so that test is skipped for cf-for-k8s but the recovery tests can be run.


11 Sep 22:30
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  • Cloud Foundry acceptance tests (CATS) now works with CF for Kubernetes

Updated Tests and Helpers

The following general changes affected multiple files, which we won't list here individually:

Some of the assertions have also been changed, with the addition of an informative string to be rendered and emitted when an assertion fails.

Other Updates

0d796dd : Covers needed changes for running CATs on CF for Kubernetes.


10 Aug 02:43
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  • This release adds the ability to control which tests will run based on the configuration option infrastructure with possible values kubernetes or vms (default).

Note that CATS is still under construction for Kubernetes environment and we are working towards a running version of CATs in cf-for-k8s

Updated Tests

  • See this PR 429 for list of tests that were updated. Note


30 Jul 21:36
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  • With this release, we have officially deprecated the windows2012 stack in CATs after having completed deprecation in cf-deployment and the cf cli for some time now.

Updated Tests

  • apps/loggregator.go
    • Update go loggregator library version for grpc cve fix
  • internet_dependent/git_buildpack.go
    • Update nodejs-buildpack to latest version
  • volume_services/volume_services.go
    • Update volume services tests for cf cli v7

Helpers updates

  • helpers/config/config_struct.go
    • Remove support for the windows2012 stack.
  • helpers/config/config_test.go
    • Remove extra unit testing for windows stack config

Other Updates

  • /assets/*
    • Add go.mod to go apps for paketo buildpack compatibility
    • Update bundler and gem versions for ruby apps for paketo buildpack compatibility


21 Jul 00:10
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💥💥 Cloud Foundry acceptance tests (CATS) now works with cf CLI v7💥💥

This major release of CATS now works with cf CLI v7. As you may be aware, the cf CLI team recently release the much awaited v7 CLI that unlocks new app developer workflows for users who require granular control of their apps and other advanced deployment strategies. You can check out more @

With this release, CATS NO longer supports running with cf CLI v6. Going forward, we will only support running with cf CLI v7. If you're running CATS in your pipelines, we recommend you update your cf CLI to v7 or pin to an older version of CATS < v6.0.0.

It would have not been possible without the hard work of folks on the cf CLI team, V3 Acceleration Team, and Release Integration to come together and make this happen.

New Tests

  • apps/piecemeal_app_creation_flow.go

    cover more granular app commands introduced in the v7 CLI/v3 API

  • apps/rolling_deploy.go

    cf push --strategy=rolling is a new feature in the V7 CF CLI

Updated Tests

Instead of pointing at each file with a change, we will record the general updates we had to make across multiple suites for the migration to cf CLI v7

  • cf push no longer uses the -d flag
  • cf buildpack uses 1-indexed references instead of 0-indexed
  • use the -space flag instead of a positional arg for cf security groups
  • use the -command flag for cf run-task
  • healthcheck no longer supports the none type, so we updated to process type
  • cf add-network-policy now uses a positional arg instead of the -destination-app flag

Deleted Tests

  • windows/set_start_command.go

    remove windows/set_start_command.go as it tests code that's handled in windows/worker.go

  • backend_compatibility/backend_compatibility.go

    this test was specifically testing if DEA droplets can be staged onto
    Diego, and moving forward Cloudfoundry will be abandoning DEAs all together.

Helpers updates

  • helpers/logs/logs_helper.go

    v7 no longer hits traffic controller; it uses log cache for all logging. This removes the config setting and switches to cf logs instead of cftail.

Other Updates

  • v3/buildpacks.go
    • We discovered capi no-bridge tests are no longer present in CATs, but the configuration and branching logic were not cleaned up.
  • backend_compatibility/backend_compatibility.go
    • With the deletion of the only tests in its suite, we also deleted the backend_compatibility flag from the cats configuration interface.
  • helpers/config/config.go

    v7 no longer hits the traffic controller; it uses log cache for all logging. This removes the config setting.