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Releases: cloudfoundry/cf-acceptance-tests


18 Sep 19:23
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  • windows/running_security_groups_win.go -- 30c9a49
    • Added a warm-up request to force HWC to do just-in-time compilation.
  • apps/lifecycle.go && windows/lifecycle.go -- fc85972
    • Guarded against nil pointer dereference after regex misses.


11 Sep 17:09
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  • Go 1.11 compatibility 3800311
  • tasks/task.go
    • Allow tasks to pass on NSX-T #333


05 Sep 23:10
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  • windows/http_healthcheck.go 5db65c3
    • Removed negative windows healthcheck tests.
      There's no equivalent test in CATs in the Linux stack, and Diego and
      Windows Garden teams agree that this behavior could be tested just fine
      in a component test
  • capi_experimental/deployment.go && helpers/v3_helpers/v3.go 739b5d2
    • Added test for CAPI experimental feature of canceling deployments


01 Sep 05:17
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  • 5bb3d0d -- Allow security groups to pass on NSX-T
  • f16e145 -- Increase timeout to reduce flakiness


31 Aug 19:36
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Updated Tests:

  • Make windows/worker.go test less flakey in the context when use_log_cache is set to true.
  • Update helpers/v3_helpers/v3.go to always attempt to create the Iso Seg first, then call Find only if the
    Create fails. This change should reduce flakes that have been occurring when running the suite in parallel.
  • Bumpcf-test-helpers to pull in new retry logic to resolve the notorious cf auth timeout.
  • Update bin/test to create the CF_PLUGIN_HOME env variable so when CATs is being run locally with multiple nodes they'll all share a single plugin directory rather than create their own.


28 Aug 23:18
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Configuration Changes

  • Now that Log Cache is enabled by default in cf-deployment, we've updated the default config to use Log Cache for log tailing.
  • Operators can now configure Diego to require that all traffic to app containers go through the Envoy proxy.
    In that scenario CF_INSTANCE_PORTS & CF_INSTANCE_PORT environment variables will no longer be set.
    Furthermore, CF_INSTANCE_ADDR won't have the 'external' field set.
    The following changes were made:
    • New parameter 'disallow_unproxied_app_traffic'.
    • Change the relevant tests to use the previously mentioned parameter.

Updated Tests:


  • The cf-cli v6.38.0 now outputs buildpacks: with an s, on the 'app' command.
    The regex matcher has been updated to accommodate this change.

New Tests:


  • The asynchronous binding delete operation has been added to Cloud Controller, as part of the CF Deployment Release v3.2 which includes CAPI Release 1.65.
    CATs have been added to assert on the asynchronous binding delete flow.

Updated Assets:


  • Modified to work with two different clients
    • If 'cc_service_key_client' is used, service broker works as it used to
    • If 'credhub_admin_client' is used, service broker adds a read
      permission for the 'cc_service_key_client'


21 Aug 20:53
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New Tests:


  • Added CAT for validating container metrics
    • Copied test from windows suite
    • Adds coverage for CC <> Traffic Controller integration
    • Adds regression test for transition from Traffic Controller to Log-Cache

CATS Flake Fixes:


  • Reduce SSH tests flakiness
  • Push a single app instance for all tests. Scale to two instances for tests that require it.
  • Windows and linux local port forwarding tests use different local ports.


14 Aug 19:16
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  • Updated the buildpack asset to reflect new create-buildpack behavior
    • this is a backwards compatible change between stable and edge
    • this change consists of the bin directory existing at the root of the zip file instead of at /assets/security_group_buildpack/bin.
  • Updated the import path of credhub
    • Bumped credhub cli
    • Updated service broker
  • Updated /bin/test to use local ginkgo rather than overwriting the global install.
  • Fixed an flakiness issue in ssh.go.
    • Added Retry logic for ssh'ing into 2nd app instance.
      Sometimes ssh'ing into the second instance fails with an "EOF" message.
      This happens when the 2nd instance hasn't actually started yet (Push exits as soon as 1 instance becomes available).
      We expect retries will reduce the error rate.
  • service_discovery/service-discovery.go - removed the internal domain creation routine because the apps.internal internal domain is now automatically seeded at deploy time when using the enable-service-discovery.yml opsfile in cf-deployment.


01 Aug 21:57
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🎉🎁🎉This is the first release of CATs using semver.🎉🎁🎉

Because CATs has been used regularly for quite some time, we'll start by going directly to 1.0.0.

From today onward, please submit any PRs to the develop branch.
And feel free to check out the CATs pipeline!

Thank you!