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Platform Support

clay edited this page Nov 16, 2022 · 2 revisions

Supported platforms in Rex are platforms that Rex knows and understands so that proper logos, platform specific ROM information, and other platform specific information can be used.

Unsupported plaforms can still be used with Rex, just Rex will not know what they are and won't pull information about the console.

Rex also performs auto-identificataion on supported platforms that have the identity of the game in the ROM. These platforms allow for a deterministic way to identify what a game is without relying on a filename. If auto-identification fails, the filename will be used as a fallback method. auto-identification can take a long time and be memory intensive on large libraries with lots of ROMs for newer consoles, auto-identification can be disabled per-platform in the configuration.

Supported Platforms These platforms are supported in Rex v0.1

Platform Platform Code Auto-Identification Notes
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) nes Yes* Not all NES games provide the name of the game in the ROM
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) snes Yes
Nintendo 64 n64 Yes* N64 identification is hit or miss due to many different formats
Nintendo GameCube gcn Yes
Nintendo Wii ``wii` Yes

Planned Platforms All these platforms will be supported for Rex 1.0

Platform Platform Code Notes
Sega Master System sms
Sega Genesis gen
Sega Saturn sat
Sega Dreamcast dc
Nintendo WiiU wiiu
Nintendo Switch sw
Nintendo Game Boy GB
Nintendo Game Boy Color GBC
Nintendo Game Boy Advance GBA
Nintendo DS NDS
Nintendo DSi dsi May be merged with DS, handling of things like virtual console and DSi Store are still TBD
Nintendo 3DS 3ds
Sony Playstation 1 ps1
Sony Playstation 2 ps2
Sony Playstation 3 ps3
Sony Playstation Portable psp
Sony Playstation Vita vita
Microsoft Xbox xbox
DOS dos
PC pc For generic DRM free PC games
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