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Module is responsible for displaying available shipping methods for product view page using predefined country.


  1. Magento 2.1+

Installation (using composer)

  1. composer require clawrock/m2-product-shipping
  2. php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Installation (manually)

  1. Clone the repository to app/code/ClawRock/ProductShipping
  2. php bin/magento setup:upgrade


  1. Go to Stores -> Configuration -> ClawRock -> Product Shipping
  2. Select country which will be used to calculate available shipping methods, otherwise shipping methods won't be returned
  3. You can also edit message that will be displayed when API returns empty array (shipping methods not found)


You can get shipping methods for product using API request.

Endpoint: rest/V1/product-shipping-methods
Method: POST

Simple product


options: {
  "qty": 1,
  "sku": "S03"

Configurable product


options: {
  "super_attribute": {
  "qty": 1,
  "sku": "WS03"

Keys in super_attribute array are super attribute ids, values are option ids, e.g. 142 is color attribute and 167 is red option.

Bundle product


options: {
  "bundle_option": {
    "1" : [3]
  "bundle_option_qty": {
    "1": 5
  "qty": 1,
  "sku": "24-WG080-1"

Keys in bundle_option array are option ids, values are selection ids. There might be several selections in one option i.e. multiple select, checkboxes. Keys in bundle_option_qty array are options ids, values are qty of options.


To run test run from console: vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit -c phpunit.xml.dist