Solutions to adventofcode 2019 in python.
python3 solutions/ 1 input/dd.txt
python3 solutions/ 2 input/dd.txt
For the tests using the input it is actually important to run the tests from the repository directory.
python3 -m doctest -v solutions/*.py
python3 solutions/test_*.py -v
- 01.12.
- First time using doctests.
- 02.12.
- Remember: itertools.product is the Replacement for n for loops.
- Remember: l=l2.copy() to make a shallow copy
- 06.12.
- Remember: x = lambda input : output
- For larger tests doctest is not the right choice. Need to restructure for the next intcomputer
- For the next graph puzzle I'll try NetworkX instead of just using a dict.
- Remember: python3: d.items(), python2: d.iteritems()
- 07.12.
- itertools.permutations gives all possible permutations
- generators for input where not the best choice
- 08.12.
- Remember: numpy shape is called with array as argument and reshape is called as function from array