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How To Use Neovim Instead Of MacVim

Zhuoqun Calvin Huang edited this page May 9, 2019 · 2 revisions

To use Neovim with vim-anywhere, replace MacVim with a GUI for Neovim.

This no longer works

Steps To Replace MacVim with

As of this writing, is working as a replacement on macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 (17G2208) with the steps outlined below.

  1. Install vim-anywhere per the readme
  2. Install using Homebrew as described in its readme
  3. Change the path in the ~/.vim-anywhere/.path file to '/usr/local/opt/neovim-dot-app/bin/gnvim'. Here's a one-liner:
    echo '/usr/local/opt/neovim-dot-app/bin/gnvim' > ~/.vim-anywhere/.path
  4. Try it out!

This works because MacVim's and's executables accept arguments in the same fashion.

Potential Alternatives

VimR is another very fancy Neovim GUI that may also work as a drop-in replacement.