This is a simple tool for extracting some diagnostics and informational meta data out of Cisco usNIC devices using the Cisco usNIC extensions in Libfabric.
The usnic_devinfo
executable will return information about your usNIC
Linux devices. For example:
$ usnic_devinfo
Interface: eth4
MAC Address: 58:ac:78:f2:8b:de
IP Address:
Prefix len: 16
MTU: 9000
Link State: UP
Bandwidth: 40 Gb/s
Device ID: UCSC-PCIE-C40Q-03 [VIC 1385] [0x014d]
Vendor ID: 4407
Vendor Part ID: 207
Firmware: 6.0(1.239)
VFs: 64
CQ per VF: 4
QP per VF: 6
Interrupts per VF: 1
Max CQ: 256
Max CQ Entries: 65535
Max QP: 384
Max Send Credits: 4095
Max Recv Credits: 4095
Map per res: yes
PIO sends: yes
CQ interrupts: yes
Visit the Github releases page.
The usnic_tools package requires Libfabric, version 1.3 or higher, built with Cisco usNIC support.
If you are building from a usnic_tools tarball, first run configure
and then build and install it:
$ tar xf usnic_tools-
$ cd usnic_tools-
$ ./configure --prefix=/place/to/install
# ... lots of output ...
$ make
# ... lots of output ...
$ sudo make install
# ... lots of output ...
Optionally, you can specify the location of your Libfabric
installation via the --with-libfabric
CLI option to configure
$ ./configure --prefix=/place/to/install --with-libfabric=/libfabric/install/location
Building from a git clone is just like building from a tarball, but
first you must have the GNU Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool tools
installed, and then run the
$ ./
# ... lots of output ...
# ...then follow the configure / make / make install procedure from
# building a source tarball.