Automatically elevate your grunt script's UAC privileges in windows.
$ npm install --save grunt-elevator
// tasks/elevate.js
module.exports = function (grunt) {
require("grunt-elevator")(grunt, {
env: {
//We need to copy these variables to the elevated process.
tmp: "c:\\temp\\elevatedEnv.tmp", // optional - defaults to working directory
cb: function (name, value) {
if (name == "HOME" && process.env.HOMESHARE) {
//We substitute HOME with HOMESHARE as the elevated process cannot access U:\
return process.env.HOMESHARE;
else if ((name == "SSH_AUTH_SOCK" || name == "SSH_AGENT_PID") && !value) {
//If the ssh-agent is not running then issue a warning.
grunt.log.writeln(("You have not set " + name + ". This could cause you to be banned from git!").yellow.bold);
triggers: [
/* Set this to true if you need to get grunt-elevator working with grunt extensions
that hook into grunt.log.header e.g. grunt-timer. Otherwise leave it false or unset (the default)
writeHeader: true
MIT © Ciaran Jessup