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YAML Zero to Master


Learn basic & advance topics, data types, syntaxes, key features, and capabilities of YAML along with use cases.

Topics covered in the course

  • What is YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) and introduction to it
  • How YAML is different from XML (Extensible markup language) and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
  • How YAML is similar inline style to JSON (is a superset of JSON)
  • Understand how easy and simple to represent complex mapping inside YAML
  • YAML use cases and why it is being used heavily inside Configurations management
  • Thumb rules that needs to be followed in writing a valid YAML file
  • Scalars inside YAML and how they represent a single stored value
  • YAML support to Strings, Integer, Float, Date, Timestamp, Boolean, Null etc.
  • How to write multiple lines of String using folded style and literal style inside YAML
  • How YAML supports comments inside it and how to write them with the help of #
  • YAML support to implicit and explicit typing
  • How to write different types of date formats using !!timestamp data tag
  • What are Sequences inside YAML and how to write it using Block style and flow style
  • What are Dictionaries inside YAML and how to write them to represent related object details like Application, Person, Vehicle etc.
  • What is the common structure inside YAML document
  • How to write complex keys inside YAML using ?
  • What are Anchors & Alias inside YAML. How to write them using & and *
  • What is overriding/merging inside YAML and how to use inside Anchors and Alias using <<:
  • How YAML supports multi-documents and how to write them using --- & ...
  • How to validate YAML files using command line tools and yamllint which is a python package
  • How to define custom configurations inside yamllint
  • How to validate YAML files and convert them into JSON using online websites
  • YAML real examples inside AWS Cloud Formation, Docker Compose and Kubernetes

Pre-requisite for the course

  • Basic understanding on XML and JSON
  • Interest to learn and explore YAML

Important Links