Jupyter Notebook 6.3.0, Pandas 1.2.4, sklearn 0.24.2
FastLending would like to use machine learning to predict credit risk. The hypothesis is that machine learning will provide a faster and more reliable loan experience to clients, as well as lowered default rates amongst its clientelle. We endeavor to test and compare six different machine learning algorithms.
Fig1a: Random Oversampler Accuracy Score
- As a first pass at classifying high vs. low risk, Figure 1a displays the results of a random oversamling algorithm. The accuracy score, or the percetage of times the model correctly classifies the results, is a low 65%. Given the size of the imbalance however, accuracy is not the best evaluative metric.
Fig1b: Random Oversampler Confusion Matrix
Fig1c: Random Imbalanced Classification
- More detail for the Random oversampler is evidenced in Figure 1c. The high risk loans have a low precision of 1%, which is to say that given a high risk prediction, there is a 1% chance that the loan is actually high risk. With a recall of 69%, the model indicates that for High Risk loans, the model will correctly predict 69% of those results as being high risk.
- The SMOTE accuracy is similar, if slightly higher than the imbalanced classification. 66% is still rather low for the purposes of the model.
Fig2c: SMOTE Imbalanced Classification
- The SMOTE recall is lower, at 63%, and the precision remains at 1%. Given a high risk loan, there is a 63% chance that it is actually high risk.
Fig3a: ClusterCentroids Accuracy Score
- Cluster Centroids Accuracy is a meaningful decline, to 55%. While accuracy is not the best metric for these purposes, a there is no reason to accept a decline.
Fig3b: ClusterCentroids Confusion Matrix
Fig3c: ClusterCentroids Imbalanced Classification
- Cluster Centroid precision remains at 1%, while recall has climbed back to the starting point of 69%.
- SMOTEEN accuracy score is in the same realm as prior models, at 65%. Again, accuracy is not necessarily the best measure here.
Fig4b: SMOTEEN Confusion Matrix
Fig4c: SMOTEEN Imbalanced Classification
- SMOTEEN precision remains 1%, as with prior models, but recall has risen to 72%. This means that given a high risk loan, the model will classify it correctly 72% of the time.
Fig5a: Balanced Random Forest Accuracy Score
- While accuracy is still not the best metric for highly imbalanced datasets, the Balanced Random Forest Accuracy of 79% is reasonable.
Fig5b: Balanced Random Forest Confusion Matrix
Fig5c: Balanced Random Forest Imbalanced Classification
- Balanced Random Forest precision has risen to 3%, meaning that given a high risk prediction there is a 3% likelihood that that loan is in fact high risk. Still not very precise, but it's 3x higher than prior models. Recall of 70%, or given that a loan is high risk the probability that the model correctly classifies it as such is 70%. Relatedly, the recall of low risk is 87%, indicating that the model has an 87% chance of correctly classifying a low risk loan.
Fig5d: Balanced Random Forest Importances
Fig6a: AdaBoost Accuracy Score
The last model, AdaBoost, exhibits an accuracy score of 92%. While accuracy is still not terribly important, it builds confidence to have an accuracy measure this high.
Fig6b: AdaBoost Confusion Matrix
Fig6c: AdaBoost Imbalanced Classification
AdaBoost precision increases to 5%: still low, but not surprising given a heavily imbalanced data set. Of more import the recall scores for high and low risk are 93% and 90% respectively.
The over and undersampling models tend to hover at 55-65% accuracy, with recall values generally about 60-70%. The ensemble methods exhibit a clear break in quality, with accuracy scores jumping to the 80-90% range, and recall rates up into the 70-90% range. The most appropriate model appears to be the AdaBoost.
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