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auto 🤖
auto :robot:
Automated process
bug 🐛
bug :bug:
Something isn't working
dependencies 📜
dependencies :scroll:
Update/improve dependencies
discuss 🗣️
discuss :speaking_head:
Topic to be discussed
documentation ✍️
documentation :writing_hand:
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
enhancement 💡
enhancement :bulb:
New feature or request
experimental 🤯
experimental :exploding_head:
Trial and error, shigiggles
good first issue 🥇
good first issue :1st_place_medal:
Good for newcomers
help wanted 🆘
help wanted :sos:
Extra attention is needed
invalid ⛔
invalid :no_entry:
This doesn't seem right
linting 📝
linting :memo:
Update/improve linting
non-functional improvement 🎉
non-functional improvement :tada:
Improvement to be made that has effect on functional elements
question ❓
question :question:
Further information is requested
security flaw 👾
security flaw :space_invader:
Security flaw to be resolved
Preliminary assessment of urgency and possible fix to be done
wontfix 🙅
wontfix :no_good:
This will not be worked on