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Clojure library for OpenTSDB

Howdy clojure peeps! So we do a lot of statistics gathering in our codebase and we recently started using OpenTSDB as a repository for some of our data. We didn't see a clojure client library out there, so we wrote our own :) This is still fairly new and there are a lot of things we want to add to it, but we decided it was worth sharing with the world.

This project is a part of cljbeat.


Leiningen (Clojars -

[com.chartbeat.opentsdb "0.2.1"]

There are two ways to use the library, using a macro and using the api directly. The best source of inspiration is in cb.cljbeat.opentsdb.example_usage.clj.

Using the Macro

The macro allows you to wrap your metric calls in a typical with-xxx style. The connection is opened and closed in the macro. send all of the metrics you want in this wrapper.

It's pretty simple. Here's some example code that explains pretty much everything.

Include it

(ns com.chartbeat.opentsdb.example-usage
  (:require [com.chartbeat.opentsdb.core :refer [with-opentsdb open-connection! send-metric! close-connection!]]))

Use it

(defn run-examples []
  "This will push some metrics to our actual OpenTSDB cluster. Sweet!"
  (let [now #(System/currentTimeMillis)]
    (with-opentsdb [{:host "" :port 4242}]
      (send "test.clj-library" (now) 3.141 {"without" "hash"})
      (send {:metric "test.clj-library"
              :timestamp (now)
              :value 1337
              :tags {"with" "hash"}})
      (send-batch [["test.clj-library" (now) 42 {"in" "batch"}]
                   ["test.clj-batching" (now) 3 {"in" "batch"}]]))))


Really, the only two things you need to know are:

with-opentsdb: This is a macro that takes a config hash, opens a connection, exposes the send function, and cleans up the connection when you're done.

send: Spawns a go block that sends a metric over the opened telnet connection. If you're feeling terse, just pass the metric timestamp value tags in order. If you're feeling explicit, pass a hash with those keys. Up to you!

send-batch: Same as send, but for sending multiple metrics in a single request.

Using the API

Sometimes you might want to hold onto a connection at re-use it, I find this style useful in some cases. We also support more options this way.

Include it

(ns com.chartbeat.opentsdb.example-usage
  (:require [cb.cljbeat.opentsdb.core :as tsdb]))

Use it

Use a tcp client

    (let [client (tsdb/open-connection! "" 4242)]
      (dotimes [_ 10]
        (tsdb/send-metric client "test.clj-library-dnd" (System/currentTimeMillis) 1337
                      [{:name "type" :value "ogre"} {:name "event" :value "ready"}]))
      (tsdb/send-metrics client [["test.clj-library-dnd" (System/currentTimeMillis) 10003 {"type" "goblin"}]
                                 ["test.clj-library-dnd" (System/currentTimeMillis) 9001 {"type" "demon"}]
                                 ["test.clj-library-dnd" (System/currentTimeMillis) 1 {"type" "necromancer"}]])
      (tsdb/close-connection! client))

Or send batch metrics over http

    (tsdb/send-metrics-http "" 4080 [{:metric "foo"
                                                           :timestamp (System/currentTimeMillis)
                                                           :value 1
                                                           :tags {:host "localhost"
                                                                  :group "test-group"}}
                                                          {:metric "bar"
                                                           :timestamp (System/currentTimeMillis)
                                                           :value 2}])

Set default tags on your connection

 (let [client (tsdb/open-connection! "" 4242 {:tags [{:name "foo" :value "bar"}]})]
      (dotimes [_ 10]
        (tsdb/send-metric client "test.clj-library-dnd" (now) 1337
                      [{:name "type" :value "ogre"} {:name "event" :value "ready"}]))
      (tsdb/close-connection! client))

All of the recorded data will have foo=bar along with whatever other tags you add to individual metric calls.

Reliablity and Error handling

Currently exceptions throw in connecting and sending data to opentsdb are printed to stderr. The send-metric! call returns true if it succeeds and false otherwise. It is up to you to decide to try to reconnect or not. This is a compromise between metrics being mission critical vs. "nice to have". In the future we hope to build up more comprehensive capabilities around connection handling.

Time Metrics

There are two ways of measuring elapsed time:

with-timing is a macro that will report the time to execute all the expressions in its body:

(let [client (tsdb/open-connection! "" 4242)]
  (with-timing! client "some_timing_metric" [["tag" "value"]]

timing-since! is a function that will report the time between calls to it. The last time executed is stored in a top level atom.

(let [client (tsdb/open-connection! "" 4242)]
  (timing-since! client \"foo\" []) ;; nothing happens, first time foo was reported
  (timing-since! client \"foo\" []) ;; time since first foo call is reported
  (timing-since! client \"bar\" []) ;; nothing happens, first time bar was reported
  (timing-since! client \"foo\" []) ;; time since second foo call is reported


BSD 3-clause


Clojure OpenTSDB client library







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