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This is a MySQL database populated with data from ThermoML (XML) files available at


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This repository provides a MySQL database populated with data from ThermoML (XML) files documented at and available at The available files can be downloaded from the links below (there is no need to clone the whole repository):


As part of an NSF project the set of ThermoML files created by the NIST Thermodynamics Research Center (TRC) in Boulder, CO, USA was ingested into a MySQL database as a stepping stone to subsequent conversion of the data into JSON-LD files in the SciData framework format. This dataset is made available as an example of translating an XML data model into a relational database model, in this case implemented according to the SciData framework. It is also used to exemplify the following tenets of good data management: data modeling, unique identifiers (foreign keys in database tables) and best practices for findable, interoperable, accessible, and reusable (FAIR) data.

About ThermoML

ThermoML is an International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) standard, (list of references included) for thermophysical property data. The schema file for ThermoML is available at and parts of the schema and how they relate to the MySQL data model can be seen on the pages for the different database tables here.

Important Features of the Database

  • The acronym "DRY", standing for "don't repeat yourself", is used as a mechanism to create the data model. That is, where data or metadata can be abstracted into definitive, unique entities (e.g., chemical substances) it is done once (in one table), given a unique id, a "primary key", and referenced in other tables by using the primary key in a "foreign key" field.

  • Foreign key constraints in relational databases are a way to ensure a higher level of integrity in the stored data. As an example, in a table a set of unique entries for chemical substances is created. In another table, identifiers for those substances are captured, and in each record of an identifier a foreign key field points to the substance that identifier identifies. Now, if at some point a substances table entry is found to be a duplicate of another, it will be deleted from the substances table. However, any entries in the identifiers table pointing to that substance will remain, and point to a substance that no longer exists. This data is now considered to be 'orphaned data', i.e., data that is not part of the data model. Creating a foreign key constraint in the identifiers table (see image from phpMyAdmin below) by linking the 'substance_id' field in the identifiers table to the 'id' field of the substances table, means that when we try to delete a row in the substances table with at least one entry in the identifiers table, it will not be permitted. This ensures there are no 'orphaned' entries in the identifiers table.


SciData Data Model

mysql_schema.jpg The SciData data model for the TRC data is based off of the ThermoML schema and adds the idea that data in each dataset can be generally be thought of as a (data)series of (data)points. where each datapoint connects experimental conditions to an experimental datum. In the SciData framework there is also the concept that a dataset is a set of data about a specific system under study (in this case a pure substance or mixture of substances, akin to the PureOrMixtureData element in ThermoML) published in a research paper (Citation section in ThermoML). Finally, in SciData there is also a section for methodology, about how the research was done, but for this dataset no information has been included.

List of Database Tables

  • chemicals: chemicals used in an experiment
  • chemicals_datasets: a join table between the chemicals and datasets tables
  • components: components of a mixture studied in the research
  • conditions: experimental conditions of an experiment (including fixed conditions)
  • data: raw experimental data with quantities, values, uncertainties and units
  • datapoints: abstract concept linking data conditions and data
  • dataseries: abstract concept datapoints together (not spectral data)
  • datasets: abstract concept representing a set of data about a substance from a reference
  • files: capturing the metadata about the data files that hold the original data
  • identifiers: identifiers of chemical substances
  • journals: metadata about the journals in which the references are published
  • keywords: keywords describing important features of the data captured
  • mixtures: representation of physical mixtures of chemicals
  • phases: phases of matter of experimental solutions
  • phasetypes: representation of the different phase types
  • purificationsteps: metadata about the steps by which chemicals have been purified
  • quantities: table of the quantities measured in the data
  • quantitykinds: table of the quantitykinds that the quantities are instances of
  • references: metadata about the papers from which the data is reported
  • reports: an abstract representation of the content of the data from a paper
  • sampleprops: information about the characteristics of chemicals (samples)
  • substances: metadata about chemical substances
  • substances_systems: a join table between the substances and systems tables
  • systems: representation of abstract mixtures of substances
  • units: metadata about the units of measurements used to represent the data

Conversion and Validation

The conversion of this dataset was accomplished using a CakePHP application available at SciData_TRC. Validation of the data, by comparing the XML data to that in the database, was accomplished by additional PHP scripts in the same repository. See the repository for more information.

Internal validation of numeric data for conditions and experimental data was achieved by storing the original data from the XML file in a string field, and as separate significand, exponent and accuracy (significant digits) fields. This avoids issues with the potential loss of trailing zeroes that can be a problem in code. See the conditions and data tables for details.

Augmentation with Additional Metadata

To enable interoperability of this data additional metadata has been added to certain tables. These are:

  • datasets table: a unique identifies was created from the <TRCRefID/> element data and the index of the dataset in the XML file
  • identifiers table: chemical identifiers where added using scripts that requested data from the following sites
  • journals table: all metadata was added by hand
  • quantitykinds: definitions and definition sources were added
  • substances table: molecular weights where added from PubChem and classifications (type and subtype) were added from Classyfire
  • units table: encodings of units of measurement from the QUDT vocabulary/ontology

User Access

The database contains one user account. Username: admin, Password: password)


This work was completed independently of the creators of the NIST ThermoML dataset. It was also done independently of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and therefore does not have any endorsement from IUPAC, even though the developer is an active member of the IUPAC and is currently a member of the IUPAC Committee on Publications and Cheminformatics Data Standards (CPCDS).