Hexle challenges you to guess a randomly generated CSS RGB color code.
The R (red), G (green), and B (blue) values of the hex code are entered separately. Only valid hex color values (i.e., hexadecimal numbers between 00 and ff) are accepted.
You can guess as many times as you want.
Correctly guessed color values are shown in green.
Close guesses are shown in yellow.
Guesses that are not close are shown in grey.
Guesses that are not correct will have either a lower or higher indicator.
When the correct value is higher than the value you guessed, there will be a bar at the top of the guess.
When the correct value is lower than the value you guessed, there will be a bar at the bottom of the guess.
At the right of the guess, the color you guessed (left) and the correct color (right) are shown side by side for easy comparison in making your next guess.
I dunno, like a million I guess? The random color is generated when you load the page, and it's different for everyone (unless it happens to be the same; there are only 16,581,375 unique hex colors). You can just reload the page to play again.
Yeah, sure. Go nuts. I'm not going to stop you. But what's the fun in that?
This game is sorta kinda like wordle.
Chad Lavimoniere built this based on an idea by Greg Archer.