Code to develop a cross-reference between US Census Bureau geography identifiers and Wikipedia pages about those places.
To work on scrapers for this project, you need to install some python libraries. You are strongly encouraged to use virtualenv. These instructions further assume that you've installed virtualenvwrapper.
mkvirtualenv wikipedia-xref
pip install -r requirements.txt
For Census Reporter, we would like to have a solid cross-reference between Census geography identifiers and Wikipedia pages, so that we can provide easy links from our profile pages to a relevant Wikipedia page.
For each geography level, produce a datafile which has, at minimum, the full Census Reporter geoids and a single corresponding Wikipedia URL. The first row of the file should be column headers, and the headers for those two columns should be exactly "full_geoid" and "wiki_url" It is fine to have other columns in the output file if they are useful for visual checking or other reference. If you are producing the file from a comprehensive list of geoids for that geography level, it is ok to have blank values for wiki_url.
In many cases, the official Census gazetteer files for various summary levels will be useful.
- place - about 2/3 solid matches; Census Designated Places are likely to be challenging; many have related pages for townships/county subs. Currently saves constructed URLs even when 404 or not clearly matched. Need to decide our preferred confidence level and filter accordingly/consider what lengths to go to to find pages for CDPs and others that may have "equivalently" usable pages in WP that we just can't identify programmatically.
- cbsa (942) Should be not too hard to do based on exact name matches from WP list
- csa (125) -
- cd (436) - shouldn't be too complicated
- zcta5 - many ZIP codes redirect to neighborhood pages. May be worth just going through the Gazetteer and testing URLs kind of like with places
- aiannh (695) (American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian lands) some are in Wikipedia. Probably hard to do systematically. Wikipedia list
- aits (492) American Indian Tribal Subdivision
- anrc (12) Alaska Native Regional Corporations
- cousub - County Subdivision, aka Township, etc. Many have Wikipedia pages. Some overlap with census designated places. Hard to know how to rigorously search for them.
- elsd - Elementary School Districts
- scsd - Secondary School Districts
- unsd - Unified School district
- sldl - State legislative district - lower chamber
- sldu - State legislative district - upper chamber
- tabblock - block
- tbg - tribal block group
- tract - tract
- ttract - tribal tract
- cnecta (10) - not sure if there's a good list.
- concity (7) - this WP list is longer than 7
- necta - New England City and Town Areas
- nectadiv - NECTA divisions
- puma - Public Use Microdata Area
- uac - Urbanized Areas and Urban Clusters
- vtd - voting district
- metdiv - Metropolitan Divisions - 11 metropolitan areas are divided into 31 metropolitan divisions. There probably aren't good WP pages for these.
- submcd - sub minor civil division