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Dove is a suite of configurations & advanced modifications for Mozilla Thunderbird, designed to put the user first - with a focus on privacy, security, freedom, & usability.


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Dove is a suite of configurations & advanced modifications for Mozilla Thunderbird, designed to put the user first - with a focus on privacy, security, freedom, functionality, & usability.


While Dove's home is Codeberg, this repo is also mirrored to both GitLab & GitHub.


Firefox users should consider taking a look at Phoenix - Dove's sister project.

Want to join the Dove Community?

We'd love to see you over on Matrix (Recommended) and Discord!

Dove works by leveraging Thunderbird's AutoConfig & Enterprise Policies functionality, and is installed on top of your standard, official Thunderbird installation. This allows us to go above and beyond what a simple user.js file can offer, without the security risks of using a fork. For example, forks often fall behind on Thunderbird updates, which can leave users open to severe, detrimental vulnerabilities. Dove's approach allows users to continue receiving immediate updates, directly from Mozilla.

Dove's approach also provides users with a seamless experience that is accessible and easy to use. Gone are the days of creating override files, manually keeping track of updates, & resetting old preferences. Not only is Dove the most effective & comprehensive approach to configuring Thunderbird, it is also the most accessible & easiest to use.

Dove's settings & changes to Thunderbird are carefully considered based on extensive research & studying of Thunderbird's inner workings. For an incomplete, non-exhaustive list of Dove's features & enhancements, see here.

Dove is designed to maintain compatibility with email providers and to avoid breakage as much as possible, while still substantially improving privacy & security compared to vanilla Thunderbird & most other email clients.

You should also see here for a comparison between Dove, standard Thunderbird, thunderbird-user.js, & other projects of similar nature.

Dove also disables various anti-features & strives to put the user back in control of their email experience. Additionally, Dove includes quality of life enhancements, performance improvements, and other 'goodies' where possible and where it doesn't compromise user privacy or security.

At the end of the day, above all else:

Dove is designed from the ground up to always put the user first.


⚠️ All users MUST read the Wiki here before proceeding. The Important pages is of extra importance!!


Click me


Dove currently provides official support for:

  • Arch Linux
  • Debian (& derivatives...)
  • Fedora Linux (39-41)
  • NixOS
  • Flatpak (System)
  • macOS
  • Ubuntu (& derivatives...)


⚠️ Flatpak (User) & Snap packages of Thunderbird are currently not supported.

Other platforms have unfortunately proven difficult to support, though progress is being made. Contributions are always welcome and appreciated.


[!NOTE] You can use paru instead of yay with the same options.

Thunderbird (Pacman):

yay -S dove

Thunderbird (System Flatpak):

yay -S dove-flatpak

Debian/Ubuntu & derivatives

Before installing Dove, you'll first need to add celenity's OBS repo:

echo 'deb /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/home:celenity.list
wget -O- 2>/dev/null | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/home_celenity.gpg > /dev/null
sudo apt update

Thunderbird (DEB):

sudo apt install dove

Thunderbird (System Flatpak):

sudo apt install dove-flatpak


Before installing Phoenix, you'll first need to add celenity's COPR repo:

sudo dnf copr enable celenity/copr
sudo dnf makecache

Thunderbird (RPM):

sudo dnf install dove

Thunderbird (System Flatpak):

sudo dnf install dove-flatpak


[!IMPORTANT] ⚠️ Before proceeding, you must have Homebrew installed.

Run the following installation script in your terminal of choice:

bash -c "$(wget -O- 2>/dev/null)"


NixOS is supported for flake-based configurations:

  1. Add Dove and Phoenix repositories to your flake inputs (Dove is based on Phoenix configs).
  2. Add dove as one of the arguments to your output function.
  3. Add the Dove NixOS Module to your configuration.
  inputs = {
    # Note that this assumes you have a flake-input called nixpkgs,
    # which is often the case. If you've named it something else,
    # you'll need to change the `nixpkgs` below.
    dove = {
      url = "git+";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
	  inputs.phoenix.follows = "phoenix";
	phoenix = {
      url = "git+";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
  # Add the `dove` argument to your output function, as below:
  outputs = {nixpkgs, dove, ...}: {
	# The configuration here is an example; it will look slightly different
	# based on your machine name and architecture.
    nixosConfigurations.your-box = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      modules = [
        # This is the important part -- add this line to your module list!

If you would like to use Dove on an unsupported platform, see 📛Manual Installation.



[!NOTE] You can use paru instead of yay with the same options.

Thunderbird (Pacman):

yay -Rcns dove-arch

Thunderbird (System Flatpak):

yay -Rcns dove-flatpak

Debian/Ubuntu & derivatives

Thunderbird (DEB):

sudo apt remove dove

Thunderbird (System Flatpak):

sudo apt remove dove-flatpak

You can also remove celenity's OBS repo if desired:

sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/home:celenity.list
sudo rm /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/home_celenity.gpg
sudo apt update


Thunderbird (RPM):

sudo dnf remove dove

Thunderbird (System Flatpak):

sudo dnf remove dove-flatpak

You can also remove celenity's COPR repo if desired:

sudo dnf copr remove celenity/copr
sudo dnf makecache


Run the following uninstall script in your terminal of choice:

bash -c "$(wget -O- 2>/dev/null)"



Please leave us feedback on the way out, so we can improve for the future!

📛Manual Installation


This is NOT recommended for most users.

By default, Dove is installed & updated via your operating system's package manager. This allows for fast, easy updates & fixes as needed, right with the rest of your system!

However, if this is not desirable for you & your situation, or you would simply like to use Dove on an unsupported operating system, you can manually install Dove with the following steps:

1: Download dove.cfg file from here. You can right click and select Save page as from your browser, or you can run the following command in your terminal:


2: Download dove.js from here. You can right click and select Save page as from your browser, or you can run the following command in your terminal:


3: Download policies.json from here. You can right click and select Save page as from your browser, or you can run the following command in your terminal:


4: Locate your Thunderbird installation directory. This will vary depending on your platform, you can generally find it by navigating to Help (Located on top bar) -> Troubleshooting information & checking the directory next to Application Binary. For example, on Fedora Linux, I see /usr/lib64/thunderbird/thunderbird next to Application Binary. This means our installation directory is /usr/lib64/thunderbird.


Unless you're on Fedora Linux, your directory will probably be different, and you should replace this path on the following steps with your actual installation directory's path.

5: Move dove.cfg to the root of your installation directory. You can either drag and drop it manually, or run the following command, assuming /usr/lib64/thunderbird is your installation directory:

sudo cp dove.cfg /usr/lib64/thunderbird/dove.cfg

6: For macOS & Flatpak users: If it does not already exist, in the root of your installation directory, create a folder named defaults, and inside this new defaults folder, create another folder titled pref. You can do this manually through your file explorer, or assuming /usr/lib64/thunderbird is your installation directory (it won't be), you could run the following command:

sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib64/thunderbird/defaults/pref

For GNU/Linux users: If it does not already exist, you will want to create a folder named thunderbird located in your system's etc directory. Inside this thunderbird folder, create a new folder named defaults, and inside this new defaults folder, create another folder titled pref. This will work regardless of your distribution - even Snaps are supported. You can also just run the command below:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/thunderbird/defaults/pref

On macOS & GNU/Linux, you'll also want to ensure that the folder you created has proper permissions:

For macOS users: - assuming /usr/lib64/thunderbird is your installation directory (it won't be)

sudo chmod 744 /usr/lib64/thunderbird/defaults/pref

For all non-Flatpak GNU/Linux users:

sudo chmod 655 /etc/thunderbird/defaults/pref

7: Move dove.js to the pref folder that you just created. Assuming your installation directory is /usr/lib64/thunderbird, you can run the following command:

sudo cp dove.js /usr/lib64/thunderbird/defaults/pref/dove.js

For all non-Flatpak GNU/Linux users:

sudo cp dove.js /etc/thunderbird/defaults/pref/dove.js

8: On macOS & Windows, in the root of your installation directory, create a folder named distribution. You can do this manually through your file explorer, or assuming /usr/lib64/thunderbird is your installation directory, you can run the following command:

sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib64/thunderbird/distribution

GNU/Linux users should instead create a policies folder inside of a thunderbird folder located in /etc. This will work regardless of your distribution, and even for Snaps.

sudo mkdir -p /etc/thunderbird/policies

On macOS & GNU/Linux, you'll also want to ensure that the folder you created has proper permissions:

For macOS users: - assuming /usr/lib64/thunderbird is your installation directory (it won't be)

sudo chmod 744 /usr/lib64/thunderbird/distribution

For all non-Flatpak GNU/Linux users:

sudo chmod 655 /etc/thunderbird/policies

9: Finally, those on Windows & macOS should move policies.json to the distribution folder that you just created. Assuming your installation directory is /usr/lib64/thunderbird, you can run the following command:

sudo cp policies.json /usr/lib64/thunderbird/distribution/policies.json

GNU/Linux users should instead move policies.json to their /etc/thunderbird/policies folder they just created.

sudo cp policies.json /etc/thunderbird/policies/policies.json

Congratulations, you're done. Enjoy Dove, and be sure to keep up with updates!


Huge thank you to the following projects & individuals for making Dove possible. Please show them support!

Also see Phoenix's Attribution page here.

And of course...