AutoInvert inverts pages brightness (but not their images or videos) on Google Chrome to reduce strain on eyes and improve readability at night, keeping the setting in every tab of the domains where it's active!
Activate and deactive it with an unique button how many times you prefer, it works in real time without reloads nor waiting times!
Current version: 1.1.12 (4 Oct 22)
In this moment the extensions is in revision phase on the Chrome Store, but you could install manually it as-is on GitHub.
1. Download the repository zip archive and then extract it, and move it in a secure directory different than Downloads.
2. Then, in Chrome, click on the puzzle icon at top-right of the window, at the right of the option buttons and before the other extensions' icons. It will appears a PopUp with the list of the enabled extensions, and at the bottom click on "Manage Extensions".
3. This will open a new tab, where at the top-left you can see the button "Load unpacked". It will appear a window for selecting the folder containing the extension, and this one it's the AutoInvert contained in the extracted archive.
4. At this point, for showing at the top of the icon the AutoInvert toggle button you have to reclick on the puzzle icon and pin the extensions.
It's advised to restart the browser after the installation of this extension.
Click here when and how many times you prefer: | |
📧 rcecchini.ds at gmail dot com
Forked with gratitude from Invert! extension