Analog Watch/Clock with STM32 RTC and ST7789 IPS
- STM32 internal RTC with backup battery was used
- a few color clock faces taken from the internet
- one clock face in 240x240 pixel resolution compressed to 4-bits takes only 29K of memory so even 2 could fit in STM32 memory
- watch hands are are vector based
- no floating-point arithmetic and slow trigonometric functions were used
LCD pin | LCD pin name | Arduino |
#01 | GND | GND |
#02 | VCC | 3.3V |
#03 | SCL | PA5 |
#04 | SDA | PA7 |
#05 | RES | PA0 or any digital |
#06 | DC | PA1 or any digital |
#07 | BLK | NC |
If you find it useful and you want to buy me a coffee or a beer: