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Releases: cavi-au/Consent-O-Matic


31 May 14:40
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This release contains no feature changes but quite a few changes to the code-base in order to update to the new extension platform "manifest v3":

  • Update manifest to version 3
  • The extension automatically opens the preferences page once upon installation
  • A warning is shown on the preferences page if required permissions have not been granted

This is also the first release to use a new build-system. Attached you will find both source files and a compiled version ready to be loaded (unpacked). For more information see Installation


06 Mar 14:57
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Most changes these days are in the rules. This release wraps up recently added new features and some minor bugfixes to the extension itself:

  • Support for creating rules that pierce into shadow DOM (open and closed) for popups that try to hide in there
  • Accessibility: The engine now unfocuses the last button clicked when filling out popups so focus is correctly returned to the page itself for tab'ing/space navigation
  • French language added to UI
  • Better standardized parsing of URLs
  • Added missing permission causing Firefox to fail to disable the addon on pages with popups inside iframes from a different domain.
  • Now correctly doesn't run on content that isn't HTML and also doesn't show an error
  • Slightly improved the popup UI
  • Fixes for the rule editor


23 Feb 08:05
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Visual indicator as extension badge while searching/handling a CMP.

Added option "noTimeout" to ClickAction, that if used, prevents COM from using even a setTimeout(0) after the click, this is sometimes needed for performance reasons.

Added OnOffMatcher that has a css selector for both on and off state of a consent. This enables us to only click if the state is wrong, saving clicks, and potential performance improvement.

Removed some left over logging, that was not behind the debugLog flag.

Fixed a bug realted to multiple CMP searches running on top of each other.

Added negateChildFilter option, that enables a childfilter to filter out possible targets, based on not having a specific child. (:has, is not supported in all browsers yet)


25 Nov 10:00
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Small release with a few changes:

  • Added "Display" settings tab, with choice of popup hide style
  • Renamed "Debug" settings tab to "Dev" and made it not hidden.
  • Added new matcher "URLMatcher" that matches on URL.
  • Various small bug fixes.
  • Small translation changes.


16 Sep 08:42
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A new minor release with an exciting new scroll-hijacking blocker and some performance optimizations

  • Added experimental scroll hijacking prevention: Attempt to allow the user to scroll and interact with the website while the popup is trying to block it
  • Asking CoM to not run on a page when the popup actually runs in an iframe from another domain should now correctly stop CoM from running on that page
  • Changed the behaviour of the visual Picture-in-Picture popup filling mode to be much faster
  • Relaxed update frequency for rule lists. Now checks randomly only every 22-48 hours instead of every 15min. This uses less data and slightly improves performance.
  • Added a new MultiClick action to be used in rules, greatly improving performance for popups that require insane amounts of clicks


16 Sep 14:32
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Important bugfix release

  • Fixed a bug in the translation system causing it to attempt to translate the internet instead of only the internal extension pages (#95)
  • Added support for a new rule condition checking if a user wants to give no consent whatsoever


28 Jun 10:11
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This version features mainly a better rule engine and upgraded progress display - along with a list of minor features and bugfixes

  • Added portuguese (pt) translation
  • Rules are now made more effective by normalizing text (removing extra spaces etc)
  • "Picture-in-Picture"-mode now grabs popups and moves them out of the way
  • It is now possible to interact with the underlying page while popups are filled (for most sites - some still have certain restrictions in place)
  • A new green progress bar shows how far we are in the process when filling is slow
  • Better accessibility for screen readers in the add-on options pages
  • Improved rule editor and improved code generated by the rule editor
  • Added a JSON schema to make rule editing outside of the built-in editor more smooth
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the progress dialog from closing on Safari and Firefox


26 Apr 14:59
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Mostly bugfixes but there are a few new minor features in this release:

  • Rules can now have multiple detectors
  • Slightly improved help text in iOS to help enable the extension in the settings and allow it to run on all pages
  • License added in the About UI
  • Correct settings for approval of MacOS version in App Store


05 Apr 11:11
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First release with wide browser support. Published on Firefox, Chrome and Safari (Mac/iOS) browser extension stores.

Contains several new or improved features:

  • German and Danish translation of the addon UI
  • Greatly improved popup rules and rule engine
  • Better handling of popups with "legitimate interest"
  • Now shows how many clicks it saved you from doing and how many popups it filled (on the About page)
  • "Report site"-popup can now submit without asking every time
  • Performance optimizations for detecting CMPs
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the addon to detect popups on sites where it was asked not to