Webapp to generate TOTP (Time based One-Time Password) password.
The secret code needed to generate the OTP (One-Time Password) can be stored on the blockchain of your choice.
In our case, we've started with Casper's Blockchain. For that reason, we've created a basic smartcontrat
The last version of this smartcontract is included in the sources (see : src/assets)
You must have the Casper Wallet installed to use this app.
If you don't know how to use the Signer, please follow these instructions
You can access the mainnet app at https://authenticator.caspercommunity.io
The webapp is build using the Ionic Framework
You must have Node & npm and Git.
We use the following version of node :
node --version
npm install -g @ionic/cli
git clone [email protected]:caspercommunityio/blockchain-authenticator-app.git
cd blockchain-authenticator-app
npm install
export const environment = {
production: false,
casperRPC: 'https://node-clarity-testnet.make.services/rpc', //RPC url to retrieve and send data on the blockchain
casperEnv: 'casper-test', //casper (for mainnet) or casper-test (for testnet)
bcGasFeesMin: 0, //minimum fees for the transaction with the blockchain
bcGasFeesMax: 5, //maximum fees for the transaction with the blockchain
bcGasFeesAsDefault: 1.5, // default fees for the transaction with the blockchain (can be changed within the app)
version: "local"
You have 2 environment files in the folder /src/environments :
- environment.ts
- envionrment.prod.ts
The file "environment.ts" will be used for the dev deployment.
The file "environment.prod.ts" will be used when you build the app for production.
Note that the property "version" is automatically set when building the app for a deployment.
ionic serve
ionic build --prod
It will generate a "www" folder that you can upload to any web hosting.
Run the following command :
npm test
The result should be like this :
Sometimes Jasmine generates an error and all bullets are green.
If it's the case, run severals times the tests (and/or run in debug too).
I think it's something with the Ionic framework.
Install the following package globally :
npm install typedoc --global
Then you can generate a "docs" folder with all the documentation with :
typedoc --out docs --entryPointStrategy expand ./src/*
You can scan any QRCode with the camera of your device. But the app only recognizes OTP qrcode and Export Qrcode.
Once one of these 2 qrcode is recognized, the app will decode it and do the job.
To add or edit an authenticator code, click on the menu and select the menu item « Add Manually ».
You must provide a name and an authenticator code.
Once it’s done, you can validate.
The new code will appear at the bottom of the list and give you the OTP password.
To manage the code, click on the menu icon and then on the menu item « Manage »
A new page will appear with news icons.
On the left, you can reorder the elements.
On the right, you can edit the name of the code or delete the code by clicking on the trash icon.
The (de)synchronization with the blockchain is only possible with a PC using the Casper Wallet extension.
If you don't know how to use the Signer, please follow these instructions : https://docs.cspr.community/docs/user-guides/SignerGuide.html
On the app, click on the menu button. Then select the option « Blockchain Sync. ».
A new page will appear where you can select the codes you want to (de)sync.
You can (de)sync. up to 5 codes at a time.
More will may cause an issue because length of the parameters cant exceed 1024bytes.
Once you have selected your codes, click on the icon to « sync » (5th icon) or « desync » (4th icon).
The Signer will open and you’ll have the possibility to sign (or not) the transaction and send it on the blockchain.
If you have an issue with the « out of gas » message, you can adapt the fees with the icon « fees ». Then try again…
Menu Items :
- Show the blockchain parameters (gas fees, named key)
- Get the public key from the Casper's signer
- Desynchronize all secret codes
- Desynchronize the selected secret codes
- Syncrhonize the selected secret codes
- close the menu
The passphrase is used to (de)encrypt the data stored on the blockchain.
You can set the passphrase manually or generate a new one.
You dont have to memorize your passphrase. You just have to use the Backup functionality.
To backup your data, you have to use the "Export" functionality.
It will generate a QRCode with all your infos.
The easiest way to setup a new device is to use the "Backup functionality".
You generate a backup (using the "Export" functionality) and store it somewhere in a safe place. Then scan this QRCode on the new device.
You must use it in that way if you want to setup a smartphone/tablet
If you want to restore your data on a desktop, you can use the procedure just above or following these steps :
- Setup the passphrase used to store the secret codes
- Click on "Blockchain Sync." menu item
- Select the "Parameters" and define the correct named key
- Click on the "Wallet" menu item, it will select the current public key associated with the Casper Wallet. If it's not the correct one, select it in the Casper Wallet and click again on the "wallet" menu item.
Note : If you use this procedure, the secret codes do not sync. with the blockchain will be lost.
You can easily know if the authenticator code is sync with the blockchain with the color.
If the code is « gray » that means that the code is successfully sync with the blockchain.
If the code is « orange » that means that the code is not yet sync with the blockchain.
You can copy the code to the clipboard by clicking on it. A message will appear to confirm it.
If you want to use this app with another blockchain, you have first to write the associated smartcontract.
Then you have to adapt the code of the "src/app/services/blockchain.service.ts".
This class contains the call to the smartcontract (to write in the blockchain) and the retrieve data (to get the code back from the blockchain).
Once the contract is builded, put it in the folder "src/assets"
It’s not mandatory to add only new codes on your PC.
You can add new codes on your phone and then use the « export » functionality to sync the data between your PC and your mobile.
Once it’s sync on the blockchain, you’ll see the color changed in the interface.
How to install Blockchain Authenticator as a PWA (Progressive Web App) on your desktop, smartphone (iOS and Android)
On chrome, you'll have a small desktop icon on the right side of the URL address.
Click on it. It will display a popup asking you to install or not the app.
Once installed, you can retrieve the application back like any other application.
In my case, I use ubuntu and I can find it back
On your smartphone, just go to the website and add it on your home screen.
The Blockchain Authenticator App is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
The Ionic framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.