This LDAP tools gem is designed as a wrapper around ldap3 to make interacting with LDAP easier. No knowledge of LDIF required.
Use pyenv to install python 3.5.3 (or 3.6.4)
The following items are installed automatically as part of the pip install: - ldap3 - click - sshpubkeys - pyyaml
pip install ldap-tools
pip install git+
There are two files used by this application. The default location is $HOME/.ldap; however, this can be overridden using the LDAP_CONFIG_DIR environment variable
This config file provides basic information about your LDAP server setup.
server: # LDAP server
user_dn: # DN of user to interact with LDAP
port: # LDAP port
basedn: #LDAP Base DN
mail_domain: # Domain to be used for user email addresses
service_ou: # Organization Unit (OU) for service accounts
Note: DN of a user is the unique name used to identify that user
This is a base64-encoded file with the LDAP root password.
This is the base command from which all other commands are launched
Usage: ldaptools [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Enter the application here. Options: --help Show this message and exit. Commands: audit Display LDAP group membership by user, by... group LDAP Group Management Commands. key Manage LDAP user SSH public keys. user LDAP User Management Commands. version LDAP Group Management Commands.
Help is available for all subcommands in a similar fashion.
- user create
- user delete
- group create
- group delete
- group add_user
- group remove_user
- key add
- key remove
- key install
- audit by_user
- audit by_group
- audit raw