A dockerised image of the Workbench dependencies required to build and serve lessons.
We currently provide two pre-built images:
- linux/amd64
- linux/arm64
- Building images locally from scratch are likely not to work on Mac M* (M1, M2, etc), but should be fine on Mac Intel
- The container currently runs as root, so any files written to the mounted lesson volume will be owned on the host by root
- Install Docker Desktop for your operating system
- Open a terminal (bash, zsh, powershell, etc)
- Then:
Get the latest workbench image from dockerhub, and get its name:
docker pull carpentries/workbench-docker:latest
docker image list
The output should be similar to:
carpentries/workbench-docker latest b816439d0469 6 days ago 2.89GB
You can then run a container from the image, specifying a name for the container:
docker run --name wb carpentries/workbench-docker:latest
You will see some output:
[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] 01_set_env: executing...
skipping /var/run/s6/container_environment/HOME
skipping /var/run/s6/container_environment/RSTUDIO_VERSION
[cont-init.d] 01_set_env: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 02_userconf: executing...
tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified
The password is set to at0AmooqueeQueup
If you want to set your own password, set the PASSWORD environment variable. e.g. run with:
docker run -e PASSWORD=<YOUR_PASS> -p 8787:8787 rocker/rstudio
tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified
[cont-init.d] 02_userconf: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
This isn't particularly useful as your terminal now is running the container in attached
mode and cannot accept new commands.
Hit Ctrl-C (Command-C) to stop the running container.
Remove the previous container using the name you provided before:
docker rm wb
Let's start the container in detached
mode by adding the -d
docker run --name wb -d carpentries/workbench-docker:latest
The command will return a hash of the running container.
Once running, you can use docker ps
to see what containers are running:
docker ps -l
You should see output like:
63f1fd51f925 carpentries/workbench-docker:latest "/init" 21 seconds ago Up 20 seconds 8787/tcp wb
To get just the ID and NAME for readability, use:
docker container list --all --format '{{.ID}} {{.Names}}'
Which will output:
63f1fd51f925 wb
Using the name in the NAMES column, in this case wb
, execute a bash shell inside the container. The name of the container on your system may be different:
docker exec --user rstudio -it wb bash
Congratulations! You're now inside your Workbench docker container!
You can now run an R session as normal. All Workbench packages are preinstalled for you:
Within the R session, you can create lessons from templates, build_lessons, etc.
To exit from the container, type exit
at the bash prompt.
When you exit, your container is still running, and can be reused by re-running the docker exec command:
docker exec --user rstudio -it wb bash
To remove a running container, first stop it:
docker stop wb
And then remove it:
docker rm wb
NOTE: any lesson content you develop will be stored within the container, and will be deleted if you delete the container.
To use a folder on your local host system as the lesson content, please read below.
Once a container is removed, you can start up a new fresh container from the same workbench docker image by following the first steps of this readme.
If you already have a lesson on your local system that you want to use inside the container, you can mount your local lesson folder as a volume in the container.
However, we have to use docker run
again, but with a few more options.
We can use the -v
flag to mount a local folder on your system into the container.
In this case, we use /home/your_user/lessons/shell-novice
as the example folder where your Carpentries lesson is stored:
docker run -it \
--name workbench_rstudio \
-p 8787:8787 \
-v /home/your_user/lessons/shell-novice:/home/rstudio/lesson \
--env-file .env \
-e USERID=$(id -u) \
-e GROUPID=$(id -g) \
carpentries/workbench-docker:latest \
You can now open localhost:8787
in your browser and you will be able to use a full RStudio server instance from within the container.
Note that changes made to the lesson from within this session will affect your lesson on your host system.
The options that can be modified are as follows:
: the name of the eventual workbench docker containerp
: the port on which you can access the RStudio server on your host system - only change the port number on the left of the colon, e.g. to uselocalhost:8888
instead, supply-p 8888:8787
as the optionv
: the local lesson folder to mount - only change the path on the left of the colon, e.g. to use/home/foo/git-novice
as the lesson folder, supply-v /home/foo/git-novice:/home/rstudio/lesson
as the option
Please leave all other options unchanged.
If you don't want to use RStudio Server, you can start an R session directly:
docker run --rm -it --name wb --user rstudio --env-file .env -v /home/your_user/lessons/shell-novice:/home/rstudio/lesson carpentries/workbench-docker:latest R
Then build or serve your lesson:
Clone this repository into somewhere suitable, e.g. a workbench
folder in your home directory:
cd ~
mkdir workbench
cd workbench
git clone [email protected]:carpentries/workbench-docker.git
Clone a remote git lesson into somewhere suitable, e.g. a lessons
folder in your home directory:
cd ~
mkdir lessons
cd lessons
git clone [email protected]:swcarpentry/shell-novice.git
Go into the workbench-docker folder, and run the image with the LESSON_PATH env variable:
cd ~/workbench/workbench-docker
LESSON_PATH=/home/your_user/lessons/shell-novice docker compose up workbench-local
This will build the container, and install any required packages including renv.lock dependencies.
It will also start a RStudio server inside the container that is accessible on your host system by opening a browser and going to:
Your lesson will be available under the /home/rstudio/lesson
folder inside the container.
If the container is already running, go to the workbench-docker
folder and run docker compose down
Then run docker compose --build -d
to rebuild the image.
You can use docker container list --all
to list current containers. Find the name of the container you wish to remove.
Make sure the container is stopped by using docker stop <container_name>
To remove an existing container, use docker rm <container_name>
You can also use the Docker Desktop app to start, stop and delete containers, images and builds.
Please check the relevant Docker Desktop documentation.
If you have any issues with this image, please email us on infrastructure at carpentries.org
or head to the #workbench
channel in our Slack server.