A vintage-style, single-post paginated Tumblr theme to share archival photos and videos from the inner vault of Savannah Morning News and Savannah Evening Press.
live demo: SMNmediavault.tumblr.com
The Digital Team at Savannah Morning News chose Tumblr as the platform of choice to share pictures of Savannah yesteryear from its archives -– primarily because of Tumblr's ease of use for veteran staffers less accustomed to coding to use, as well as the ability to paginate out each post and drive clickthroughs.
Feel free to fork this project on Github, especially if you're a media organization seeking to gain new value from idle stacks of newspapers hidden away in a dusty closet. Contributions also welcome.
Pro-tip: Digitizing archival photos is super fast if you're able to invest in a Fujitsu SnapScan scanner that scans roughly 30 images a minute
Easy way: Simply clone this repo, cut and paste the source code of 'index.html' into your own Tumblr blog and make sure you point all the scripts/dependencies to your server's instance.
Hard way: Install the free Tumblr framework The Minimalist, then manually insert the code snippets from 'index.html', 'styles.css' and 'SMNmediavaultscript.js' into the theme, along with all scripts/stylesheets.
Author: Carl V. Lewis.