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This project assembles core REDHAWK functions into docker-compose microservices that are easily pieced together via a single docker-compose.yml file.


The only requirement for redhawk-compose is a yum repository containing a REDHAWK release. Don't have your own REDHAWK yum repository? No problem - we've provided another project to create your own yum repository to host the REDHAWK rpms locally at redhawk-yum.

# Build REDHAWK runtime containers
docker-compose -f build

# Launch REDHAWK runtime containers
docker-compose up

Environment Containers

Some of these microservice containers extend previously build containers (i.e. domain extends omniorb) and the development workflow can be inefficient while tweaking configurations. To rememdy this inefficiency, each container has the concept of an 'environment' and a 'runtime' where the 'environment' only contains yum/rpm installation, and the 'runtime' applies configuration on top of the 'environment.' This allows for containers further down the pipeline to extend the 'environment' variants of the container and not be affected by runtime configuration changes of the parent service.

Runtime Containers

Each sub-directory represents a REDHAWK microservice that runs in their own respective containers.


The base container extends the stock centos:7 container to reference our local yum container above. All runtime containers extend this base container. If you have a different yum repository you'd like to use, update the .env file as follows:



The omniserver container extends the base container to include omniORB services required by REDHAWK. The omniserver container can act as BOTH the nameserver and eventserver (via the script), or can be launched as an individual nameserver or eventserver.


The domain container extends the omniserver container (requires omniORB configuration) and installs the REDHAWK domain manager.


The gpp container extends the domain container, as they share many of the same RPM dependencies, and installs the REDHAWK-provided GPP node required to launch components.

MacOS Support

The containers have been tested on Docker Engine: 18.09.1. To use the REDHAWK IDE on mac, we recommend installing XQuartz to establish an X-display that can be utilized inside our IDE container.

# Step 1: Install Xquartz

# Step 2: Configure Xquartz (

# Step 3: Enable x11 for localhost
xhost +

# Step 4: Define DISPLAY variable typically used in Linux displays
export DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0

# Step 5: Launching docker compose should automatically start the REDHAWK IDE
docker-compose up


Docker-based REDHAWK deployed via docker-compose







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