1. Python 3.5 or above
2. Robot Framework
3. Robot Framework 'SeleniumLibrary' for UI test.
4. Latest Chome Driver.
1. To install Robot Framework, use 'pip install robotframework' command.
2. To install SeleniumLibrary, use 'pip install robotframework-seleniumlibrary' command.
3. Download latest Chrome Driver from 'https://chromedriver.chromium.org/' and add the directory into your OS PATH.
1. I've used PyCharm as the development IDE, and used Intellibot plugins ('https://github.com/lte2000/intellibot').
To run the test, first go to the project location (i.e. 'practice_form_automation') using the command line, then run a test using 'robot'
command. Some commands to run the existing tests are following.
python3 -m robot -d Results Tests
python3 -m robot -d Results Tests/PracticeForm.robot
python3 -m robot -v BROWSER:chrome -d Results Tests/PracticeForm.robot