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A software renderer loosely imitating the OpenGL pipeline.


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Software rasteriser

An implementation of the rasterisation algorithm for drawing 3D triangles using OpenGL-imitation maths.

This is a self-learning project intended to teach me how an Open-GL style renderer works behind the scenes. It is fairly closely based on the approach described at Scratchapixel, but with some modifications to use the OpenGL perspective projection matrix. A log of development can be found here.

Example output

Image of the 'Stanford Bunny', a common test mesh for rendering programs, rendered with pink and yellow lighting and smooth shading. Screen recording of an animated render of the 'Suzanne' default monkey model from Blender, with flat shading and a standard three-point lighting setup.

Third party code

Included in repository:

  • the CImg library. The license is contained in the vendor/cimg/ folder along with the header file.
  • tinyobjloader by syoyo. The license is written at the top of the header file.

Needed for compilation:

Needed to run:


  1. Create a build folder inside the project folder.
  2. In the build folder, run conan install .. --build TCLAP to install GLM, TCLAP and text-csv via Conan, and produce a CMake file.
  3. Run cmake .. to produce build files appropriate to your build system (e.g. a makefile for GCC).
  4. Compile according to your system (e.g. with make for gcc, or ming32-make for MinGW-GCC).


Run the executable from the command line. Flags available:

  • -h/--help: display command line options and exit

Loading files:

  • -o/--obj: render the model in the specified Wavefront .obj file (otherwise renders a square)
  • -l/--lights: (required) specify CSV file containing a list of directional lights in the format dir_x,dir_y,dir_z,intensity,red,green,blue (all interpreted as floating point numbers)

Render settings:

  • -x/--width: width of the output image (pixels)
  • -y/--height: height of the output image (pixels)
  • -s/--spin: instead of outputting the frame and depth buffers as images, display a window with the model rotating at 1 radian/sec about the y axis
  • -f/--flat: disable smooth shading, and use calculated face normals instead of given vertex normals
  • --wind-clockwise: specify that triangles should be interpreted to use a clockwise rather than anticlockwise winding order

Transform model:

  • --scale: scale the model uniformly by a factor
  • --dx, --dy, --dz: displace model in X, Y and Z directions by distance
  • --rx, --ry, --rz: rotate model according to YXZ Tait-Bryan angles in radians

If -s is not set, two images will be output. frame.png is the rendered image, and depth.png is the depth buffer.


A software renderer loosely imitating the OpenGL pipeline.








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