This web app was created with the Caribbean community in mind. While travelling around Europe during a semester abroad I felt homesick, out of place and lost at some points. Unable to find places that reminded me of home, I felt like I wasn't the only one, and wished there was a central place that had the information I needed to locate a grocery store or another Caribbean establishment that was close to where I was staying. I hope that this project can help others during their journies.
- The users "report" or add a location, filling out a form and submitting it to the database.
- The data is used to create markers on the map on the homepage, which is searchable by the search bar on the left side of the homepage.
- Markers are clickable, which will provide directions to and information of the establishment.
- CSS3 (framework: Spectre)
- ES6
- Algolia Places - for address autocomplete
- Mapfit - a replacement map, geocoder, directions from Google Maps
- arrive.js - for the execution of Algolia Places library script when the "state" of the homepage changes after the search button is clicked